37 | Carnival

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A special dedication to all the readers for sticking with Nyla and Darius till the end. 

 "WITH YOUR HELP, we now have the suspect in F.B.I custody. We should be hearing his confessions soon enough." Agent Tessa said through the phone.

The void in Nyla's heart expanded, "Is it possible for me to listening in? I just can't believe he would do something like this, I just need to know why, to get some closure maybe."

There was silence on the other line. "You know what, forget it. I know you guys have protocols to follow. It's okay, forget I said anything." She rambled on.

Agent Tessa sighed. "It's frowned upon, but I know where you are coming from. We can have you with us behind the doors and that way you will be able to hear the confession."

"Thank you, I'll be there in a bit."

Nyla hung up the phone and hailed a cab to the New York location. The cabbie gave her a weird glance when she said the address, but she ignored it. Her stomach was clenched, and she was feeling a mixture of anger and hurt. She got out of the car and entered the building. Immediately, she went through an excessive screening before she was cleared to go.

"I'm here for a meeting with Agent Tessa," she said to the man at the front desk.

He glanced her once before looking back at his computer screen. "Someone will be here to pick you up but I'm afraid I need you to leave all metal items in a bucket."

Nyla dropped her keys and phone and Agent Tessa appeared moments later.

"You came quite quickly," the agent greeted her.

"I was in the neighbourhood."

Agent Tessa smiled at her joke before pointing her finger to a door. "Let's walk, there have been a change of plans."

Nyla fell into step beside her, "What happened?"

"We might need you to go inside and talk to the suspect. He has refused to say anything to us for the last two hours. Maybe seeing your face will break him."

Nyla nodded but she didn't say anything. They stopped at a sealed door and Agent Tessa grabbed her hand. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can get the confession another way."

Nyla looked her in the eye. "I need to do this, even though I don't want to." She admitted.

"We will be watching from the other side of the mirror. If you feel uncomfortable, just knock twice on the table and someone will be able to get you out."

"Thank you," Nyla said softly before she steeled her features and entered the door.

"Hello, George."

Her chief operating officer looked quite different in handcuffs. Gone was the pristine suit and straight tie, instead it was replaced by someone who looked vengeful and unstable.

George smiled. "Good, you're here. I don't know what the fuck they think they have on me, but it all seems to be a misunderstanding—"

Nyla took a seat in the chair across from George. "It's not a mistake," she said softly. "You've been caught now."

George's face whitened. "What are you talking about?"

"The money laundering, factory explosion, bomb threat, competing bids, we know it was all you George."

George still didn't break his resolve. "You can't prove that I had anything to do with it."

Nyla didn't break eye contact. "Once the F.B.I caught up with Ted, he was more than willing to share all his secrets with us." She saw George's eyes flare up with fear, yet she continued. "He told us how you hired him to lie about who had been stealing from the company when it was you all along."

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