Chapter Forty Two • Chaos

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The fire hadn't reached the kitchen when Jade got there. The scene that met her was servants running around screaming for water and buckets to use in putting the fire out. Some were calling out for cloths so they could protect themselves from the smoke.

From nowhere Jade was pushed by a girl who had completely panicked and that was now just screaming. Jade fell to the floor and scraped her hands lightly.

"Calm yourself down, girl!" A familiar voice suddenly shouted. Jade looked up and saw Elizabeth slapping the girl across her cheek in order to wake her from her hysterical behavior. The slap worked flawlessly and awoke her from her state of panic. The girl pressed her sore cheek and nodded at her superior.

"Go and get more buckets from the stables!" Elizabeth ordered her and then looked out over the chaos that roamed the kitchen. "Jade!" Elizabeth exclaimed by the sight of her on the floor. She rapidly made her way over to help her to her feet.

"We have to leave!" Jade said out of breath. Her chest hurt from her lungs screaming for air. "Ser Thomas and the rest of the Queen's guards think I started the fire!" She continued while clapping her right hand against her chest repeatedly. The color on Elizabeth's face disappeared as she understood what Jade was saying.


"It was her, Liz! The girl! She started the fire and she convinced the queen's men that I did it!" Jade explained but now in a lower voice so no one would hear her. Elizabeth's eyes widened as Jade spoke and she gave their environment a quick look before she spoke.

"Where's Loren?" She lowered her voice.

"He... uhm... He forced me out of the way to fight the queen's men off. He told me to find you and then escape through the tunnel..." Jade answered and her throat felt thick because she wanted to cry. She felt so bad. She shouldn't have left him! "He told me to get out with you and then meet him in the city." Jade explained. Elizabeth rolled her eyes but not in a charming sort of way. She was upset with Loren.

"That stupid boy." She muttered and grabbed Jade's arm and pulled her towards the tunnel. "At least he was smart enough to put you in warm clothing..." She muttered again. Was she berating him in order to keep her worry at bay?

They stopped outside the door and Elizabeth placed Jade in front of her and made sure Jade was wearing enough clothes.

From nowhere a large figure appeared next to them. Jade noticed the scent of blood first. She turned to face the person and was relieved to see that it was Loren.

His face was completely covered in blood and the stench of it had Jade suppress a gag.

"There you are!" Elizabeth exclaimed in a stifled joy. "What were you thinking? Playing hero like that?" She then added and gave her son a hard punch on his chest with her open hand. "Idiot!"

"Are you alright?" Jade asked before Loren managed to get a word in between his mother's scolding outbursts. He nodded affirmatively and exhaled heavily.

"Yes, I am fine. Let's go. We have to get out of here!" Loren whispered while looking over his shoulder. Elizabeth agreed with him and pulled Jade's hood over her head before opening the door to the tunnel. It seemed like they had discussed something like this happening because there were no words, only silent actions, and Jade had clearly been left in the dark on purpose.

Loren went through the door and then reached out his hand towards Jade. She looked back at Elizabeth and noticed that she wasn't joining them. The round figured woman just stood there and had a look on her face that expressed her wish for them to leave. Fast.

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