21- Swan Song

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"And remember, when you get to the platform, lift your arm into the air just as we rehearsed," Kioyo told Leanna, demonstrating the fluid, regal posture one last time. He lowered his arms and blew out a breath. "You'll do wonderful. We've done this countless times." He smiled lightly, meeting her eyes. "Remember, you are the Leanan Sidhe-beautiful, radiant, magnificent. All will adore you."

In spite of what had happened, excitement radiated from his painted skin, just like the lively chatter and laughter of the audience that seeped through the curtains and into the waiting area between the dressing tent and the Big Top.

Leanna exhaled, touring her gaze along the procession. Before her, smiling performers were lined up in glittering skirts and vests, balloon pants and ridiculous hats, all awaiting the opening introduction in the order they were to perform. Leanna was at the very end of the convoy, sitting upon a sparkling Kia, who Minerva had doused with glitter. Above them, Bertrand suspended a fiery dragon that ran the length of the line, like a link of magic holding everyone together, making them shine a little brighter.

Yes, the enthusiasm was palpable, but sadly not contagious. Though heat bloomed in Leanna's cheeks at Kioyo's compliment, worry over the coming night and over Krinard's words stole at her joy. What if one of those many voices outside was Machina's? Or of one of her goons pretending to be human when in fact they lay in wait to kill her, to kill them all? Were they all in danger?

Kioyo neared her, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone. "You mustn't let what Krinard said take this from you. We've worked hard for this night. Regardless of his threats, Machina would not strike today when we most expect her to. She'll wait until we're not so vigilant. Don't let this fear-"

"Rob me of my magic, I know..." Leanna forced her lips to curve, attempting a smile. It was painful, just like the leather reins that cut into her fingers as she wound them tightly to keep her hands from trembling. She lowered her head, her sad attempts at a smile withering.

Kioyo's hand came into her line of sight, reaching for hers. He stopped mid-approach and his fingers stiffened. He sighed and lowered them down onto Kia's mane, just beside Leanna's hands. He didn't touch hers.

Leanna curled the reins tighter, knowing why he denied her his affection. Still, she frowned, wishing it were her hand receiving the silent tenderness instead of Kia's mane.

Lifting her eyes, Leanna managed a sad smile, the action not nearly as painful as his refused affection. "I suppose my fear of losing Finvarra has robbed me of another kind of magic..."

Kioyo lowered thick lashes down to their fingers just a breath apart. His jaw tightened and he squeezed Kia's mane a moment before releasing it. Steeled brown eyes met hers. "It's for his best, right?"

Leanna swallowed, her own words haunting her. "Right."

Saying no more, Kioyo nodded slowly and walked away. Sighing, Leanna stroked Kia's mane where Kioyo had just held it, the ghost of his support better than nothing at all. Back with the other clowns, Kioyo gazed over his shoulder to her, his painted smile accentuated by a small one of his own. Though it never reached his eyes, Leanna appreciated the gesture.

Finvarra's CircusOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora