Chapter ★ Six

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Iradessa brought him to the open markets that sold fish and jewels and everything in between. The storefronts were all open to the beautiful summer breeze, and on the wind could be heard the chimes of seaglass in the windows.

Emrys followed her through the city, taking in the sights, the smells, the sounds... Everything was in the open, exposed to the balmy breeze of the never ending summer. The colors were as varied as the garb the city's inhabitants wore. But more than the city, he watched his sister watch the city. He knew, just by watching her, that this was where she belonged, and he did not hold her decision to wholly leave behind her home once she'd found a new one. She'd shaken the stars from her feet, just as one one scuffed up a hill of dirt, and instead found that she favored the ocean, the calming, warm waters that spoke of serenity, of freedom... She, like the water, was wild and untamable; she belonged to no one and nothing, she was an entity, a being, that answered to no one but herself.

He found that he loved her all the more because of it.

Walking along the city's boardwalk was her favorite pastime, Ira informed her brother, and she eventually led him to an isolated bridge that stretched out into the lagoon behind the palace.

"And this is one of my favorite views," she told her twin, as she leaned on the railing. "I love the way the water reflects the sun, and you should see it as it sets..."

And as she leaned on the railing, he stood beside her, looking out over the water, indeed taking in how it refracted the light, how the light danced on its surface.. "Do you often find time to admire the view?" he inquired from beside her. He would have assumed that her new found responsibilities as Lady of the Summer Court would keep her quite preoccupied. Perhaps he had been mistaken.

"I make the time," she smiled at her brother. "Not everyone is expected to slave away for the will of the High Lord, Em..."

"Are you sure? I thought that was the whole point of being a High Lord," Emrys said, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he watched the river.

She smirked. "You've been following the wrong High Lord." Iradessa looked back out over the water. "Politics aside, Em, Rhysand is an asshole."

"So is Tamlin," Emrys noted. "Rhysand isn't the only High Lord with an ego the size of Prythian, Ira." He didn't know why he bothered defending their father anymore, especially to his sister.

She nodded. "Tamlin should have died a century ago, but Rhysand didn't have the balls to do that either." She shrugged her shoulders. "And now he's my ally... ironic, isn't it?"

Emrys sighed, long and low, reaching up to rub the ridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. "Ironic, indeed."

She turned to him. "Out with it Emrys. I know that tick- when you rub your nose. What is it?"

"Nothing, nothing. I'm just sick of hearing so much shit being slung around. You hate Rhysand, I get it. Isn't that enough?"

"Fine," she sighed, waving a hand dismissively in the air. "No more mention of the High Lord of the Night Court, though I wish you'd have more opinions to share, Brother. Even after living in the Court for thirty years, you must have see things. Done things. Heard things? Why else would you have stayed... and left."

She glanced to him, and Emrys could see her mind working behind those blue eyes.

"And run way from Velaris so quickly. Something tells me it wasn't just my request. "

"Not all of us stick around only when there's something in it to be had for ourselves," Emrys said under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest, completely ignoring the second part of her statement- that unasked question could remain both unasked and unanswered for a little longer.

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