Chapter 14

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Victor's birthday was April 9, and it spiraled out of everyone's control morphing into a massive party. A ballroom was rented at the local Holiday Inn, a DJ was hired, the open bar was planned, and invitations got out far and wide. I watched from the sidelines as the planning got more and more dramatic.

Victor's usually calm demeanor was replaced by annoyance with Jon, Steven, and his older brother who all wanted to throw themselves a party, in Victor's name. Isla and I went shopping in Denis' store and the two of them stuffed me into a tiny black dress. It was entirely too revealing but they convinced me it was a perfect way to celebrate your friend's birthday.

The party started at 9 pm, I asked Victor if he wanted me to get there earlier and he assured me I didn't but he had been annoyed at Jon. Jon had wanted to hire some escorts which Victor was against. I decided to arrive at 9:15, just in case something was needed plus I wanted to give Victor his gift before he was five-shots into a new bottle of Goldschläger. The music was already at full speed when I parked. I subconsciously tugged at my dress, it was incredibly short, and as I walked to the door I could see Steven in a white blazer welcoming people. I knew the boys would be dressed in white blazers with Victor in red.

"BECKY-GIRL IS HERE!" Steven shouted and before I knew it air horns sounded and Jon popped his head out also in a white blazer.

"What the hell is this?" I pointed to the horn in Steven's hand as I held my ear to stabilize the ringing.

"We're announcing when hot girls arrive," Jon said.

I looked him over. "No, you're not."

"No, they're not," Victor stepped out and I did a double-take because he really did look great in his red blazer and fitted black slacks.

"Why not?" Jon sounded almost whiny.

"Because you're objectifying women," I said.

"Give me this," Victor yanked the horns from Steven and Jon's hands. "C'mon, Becka."

I followed Victor inside and Jon stuck out his tongue at me which only made me roll my eyes. They were children sometimes. Not a lot of people had arrived and those that were inside were in their own groups and no one was dancing yet. I followed Victor to a table by the DJ where he hid the horns.

"I've taken these away from them twice already," he said.

"You look like you're having fun at your birthday party," I smiled at him and he looked at me tired and annoyed.

"I don't know why I agreed to this," he said.

I shrugged and handed him the little blue bag I brought. "Happy birthday, Manning."

He smiled and took it from me. "Thanks, Becky-girl. You didn't -"

"I wanted to. Plus, it's something stupid..."

He opened the bag and pulled out the frame I had chosen because it reminded me of him, clean, strong lines, easy to clean. Inside was a photo of all of us the day of the party when he had beat up Alvin for me. We were all on the couch, us two pressed together, sharing popcorn with Yara, Mercy, Steven, and Jon scattered over the sectional. "Friends" was scripted at the bottom of the frame in silver letters.

He looked at it for a while and then back at me and he had the sweetest smile.

"It's not stupid," he said softly.

"You already have everything," I shrugged.

He hesitated, then he pulled me in for a hug which I returned. His arms, massive around me, and I remembered how I'd once thought I would be too big to hold but in Victor's arms, I fit just right. I felt his lips kiss my head and he squeezed me tight, the air got knocked out of me. When he let me go he was staring down at me.

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