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Magic was once the pride of Sundast. It was the glue that held the people together and fueled the economy. All three forms of magic were revered and respected, and to be a member of that elite branch of society was a privilege and an honor. It didn't matter if you were a Medium, Mage, or Elemental; all were elite and important to Sundast and its might. Mediums used their mental abilities to help society, seeing the future and moving heavy objects with their minds to provide for the people of their home. Elementals kept the darkness at bay, using their Gods given abilities over the elements to protect Sundast from rogue creatures and demonic influences. Magic users had their own cities and temples and to become a magic user was the highest form of respect, especially a Mage. Mages were the most seen of magic users, they were the ones with abilities people wanted; Healers and Spies, Visionaries and Artisans, and those with the rare ability to control it all, through their Familiars of course. The Familiars, creatures of pure magic that assumed shapes that best fit their human partners abilities, became all of Magic's symbol and their Mages became a sort of task force, supporting Sundast in all that they could. Life was good, people were happy, and everyone thought it would stay like that, forever. Then in a bloody Coup the rulers of Sundast, a long line of powerful and talented Mediums, were destroyed. A new Crown rose, one who's supposed God forbade anything and everything that had to do with Magic and the Pantheon of Gods that looked over Sundast and the world.

With the rise of the Crown, magic in all Forms became an illegal Art. The Mages, Elementals, hedgewitches, Mediums, Farseers and every magic user from Swadan to Isaleo became an outlaw, a liability. Those that weren't murdered fled into the last hidden strongholds of their once great order or attempted to mingle with the commonfolk. The dragons of Dralt were banished from their temple city. Mermaids were hunted by harpoon, and to have a gryphon's head mounted above your mantle was considered the height of fashion. The Crown wanted nothing of Magic and the Pantheon to survive in their new nation, and stopped at nothing to keep Sundast "pure". But they were resisted. While the Mages and Elementals fled to their hidden mountain cities, Rodari and Bylis, what remained of the former Royal family attempted to hide their lineage in a single noble line. The family was notorious for being carriers of mental magic, but it would rarely manifest. The entire magical community held onto the hope that one day a child would be born to that family that had powers the likes of which few had ever seen. For it was said that when that time came Majran would smile on her people once more and Magic would return to Sundast.

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