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The boy led Cienn through back alleyways and dark streets, avoiding the bright lights of the Searchers torches. The Alarm Bells began to ring from the multitude of the Kings Watch's barracks, ringing out across the City as the two boys crept across the City towards the Dregs.

"Where are you-?" Cienn began in a loud whisper but the boy cut him off quickly and motioned for quiet. Cienn nodded and the lad lead him on in silence. They reached the Garment District Square quicker than Cienn had ever by horse or carriage and he began to cross quickly towards the other side of the now deserted square.

"Wait!" the boy whispered harshly, grabbing the young noble's arm and pulling him back. He was surprisingly strong for such a little guy; the harsh life of a street urchin surely. Cienn pulled himself free with more strength than he ever really remembered possessing.

"We don't have time!" He whispered angrily and turned back to start across the square once more. He saw it then, the lights of torches glinting off the buildings around the distant corner. His eyes opened wide as he stood there. He was caught. They would take him in and he would be accused of magic and hung. Or maybe worse, maybe they would burn him like the stories used to say they did. At least he would be with Gerall again. Cienn felt himself pulled forcibly backwards, landing flat on his back in the dark of the alley once more, the street boy looking at him angrily from above. Cienn scrambled backwards and they ducked behind a set of water barrels just as the stomping of the Searchers feet could be heard and the light of their torches light up the Statue of Majran's majestic face. Did she look angrier?

"I 'eard it was that noble boy. The twin from Her Grace of Analon." Came the gruff voice of one from across the square. He sounded bored of this search already. The way he spoke loudly, not caring if their quarry heard them or not. They thought Cienn was already far away apparently.

"Mag down at t'Docks said she 'eard he'd been sleepin round with that fey noble. You know the one which the King was holdin' judgment on should he flesh out a Mage wif 'im too. Seems 'e did eh?" They exchanged a chuckle at this not-so-private joke. Cienn heard a crash as one of the Searchers kicked over a lone barrel on the other side of the Square.

"They say 'e pleaded for his life. Said he could bring the King Mages and Farseers a'plenty. Said that most often magic users was often fey too." Cienn felt his heart drop further into his feet. Gerall had been working for the King?

"I 'eard that too. Too bad 'e didn't know the King was gunna off 'em bofe eh?" they laughed again, their light receding from the square. Cienn felt a hand slip around his mouth which stifled his squeak of surprise before he felt the lips of the boy who had saved his life on his ear.

"They won't find us." The boy whispered, so quiet Cienn barely heard him. Cienn simply nodded, his mind was in a different world. Gerall had lied. He was using Cienn to save his own skin and that was all. The ring on his finger meant nothing. For all Cienn knew Gerall could have used it to keep tabs on him. With a snarl he ripped the ring from his hand and stood, tossing it angrily towards Majran's pool. It fell in with a soft plop. The street boy pulled Cienn back down just as the second Searcher turned back around.

"You hear that?" he asked his companion, starting back across the square, this time heading straight for Cienn and the boys hiding place. Cienn felt his heart speed up as both men began to advance on their hiding place.

"Hear what?" the first asked as he came closer.

"I 'eard a noise." The second said, kicking the barrels in the next alley over. Cienn heard the boy curse under his breath and secretly noted that one away for his own personal use. Should he live long enough to that is of course. Which right then didn't seem very likely. Cienn heard the Searchers come closer and closer to their hiding place. This was it. They were dead. And the one consolation Cienn could find in dying was a lie. Gerall had never loved him; he had simply used him to save himself.

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