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august. 13. 2006.


   JACLYN Harvelle was not happy, to say the least. The five-year-old child was currently sitting on one of the many long wooden benches placed in neat evenly spaced rows. She sat between her father and her mother, and just on the other side of her mother sat her auntie Renée Dwyer. Next to auntie Renée, at the very end of the long bench, was Jaclyn's ex-uncle Charlie Swan.

Around Jaclyn, the wedding decorations were woodsy and almost mystical, completely different from the scenery she was used to in her home state of Arizona. However, it was a nice change as little Jaclyn had never seen anything beyond the dirt, rocks, and cacti that were a constant in Mesa, Arizona. Not to mention it was rare that Mesa ever had a cloud in the sky, let alone a drop of rain, therefore the currently cloudy atmosphere was foreign to the five-year-old.

It was almost comical, the way her eyes lit up early in the morning and how loud she gleefully screamed when it began sprinkling during the mornings in Forks.

Despite this, the new surroundings were not enough to get Jaclyn out of her foul mood. The little girl was stuck wearing a frilly pink dress that was wrapped around her waist with a large bow. Her feet hurt from the way the white flats were squeezing her, and the tight updo her mother knotted her hair into tugged on the dark strands painfully.

She took after her much older cousin in the manner that she absolutely hated wearing anything other than jeans and t-shirts. It was not much of a surprise though, Jaclyn Harvelle adored her cousin Bella Swan who, up until just over a year ago, lived not that far away from Jaclyn and her parents in Arizona.

It was not a one-way street either, Jaclyn was more of a little sister to Bella than anything, and the older girl loved her dearly. She had ever since the day Jaclyn was born five years ago, back when Bella was merely twelve in middle school. She still remembered the day she walked into the hospital room of her aunt with her mother and laid eyes on the tiny baby.

Bella knew then that she would do anything for her little cousin, and that is exactly how it was growing up. Bella babysat and hung out with Jaclyn, watching the little girl grow every passing day. Herself, her mother, and her mother's new husband, Phil, would go to her Aunt Christine's house every Sunday for dinner. Those were the days that Jaclyn would practically hang herself over Bella and Bella, unlike most older cousins, had no issue with it.

That is why it had been so hard to leave Arizona, Jaclyn was three almost four at the time she left. Bella still remembers how hard the little girl sobbed and how she would talk to Bella on the phone practically every day after she left.

Well, it was every day until Bella started dating Edward Cullen. Since then, the phone calls between herself and Jaclyn were only about once a month. Despite this, Jaclyn still meant the world to Bella, even now as Bella stood with her big brown eyes deadset on the vampire who was to become her husband within a few minutes.

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