08 - Family Additions

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Alain barely woke up with Asitha and Tiness snuggled up to him and felt tired, but not the bad kind of tired. It had a sense of accomplishment and he knew the reason very well. They had worked hard and managed to avoid a likely fatal end from the debris tearing the warships and their home apart. He stroked the girls' backs softly. "No two ways about it, I am very lucky to have ended up here in the end." he thought. "I wouldn't trade living with these two for anything."

He stopped stroking and wondered if they hadn't yet cleared the debris because they were still sleeping together. He played back his memories and was sure they had done, then ate and drink until they had their fill, and then memories became hazy and with effort he realised they'd got up from the couch and with mutual support went to bed because they were too tired to get to their own by themselves. He chuckled silently. "No wonder." The two snuggled up tight at his side and in his arms was still a pleasant surprise to him and he stroked their back softly again.

Asitha stirred at his side and snuggled up tighter. It might've been because of the last days but she felt more comfortable than she could imagine from a bed in an emergency pod, even if they'd made it as cosy as they had. She thought the gentle stroking of her back and the warm embrace was probably the reason and she was happy to be with Alain. "Alain!?" she thought and remembered sleeping once more in his bed because she was too tired to find her own. That wasn't the only reason though when a little voice in her head reminded her of the last couple of times they slept together, and how she'd always imagined that's how it was to live with a good mate. "He said we were cute and wanted to stay together but would he go as far as to become my mate? To actually be..?" The image of the two of them in intimacy brought back the memory of her sitting in his neck and the sensation of someone other than herself touching her there.

Tiness dared not move when she woke up and instantly knew where she was. It made her both giddy and nervous and she didn't want anything to end the situation she was in, even if this was all she would get from him. The time he pressed against her back and the sensation of his hips against her behind was something she told herself was a fluke, something that was unavoidable because of the circumstances, and that wishing he'd go all the way with her a futile dream. She wished his fingers stroking her back gently would stroke her underneath her tail as well.

Asitha's leg on his, and her hips pressing against his thigh, and Tiness's tail rubbing against his front brought back the memories of his close encounters with the girls and stirred his nether regions. He didn't know what to think anymore as doubts about just how deep his attraction to these girls was and how far he was willing to go with Tiness, and if they could accept that he couldn't choose between the two of them and if Asitha would be disgusted if he did choose to sleep with Tiness. He groaned in frustration.

'Alain? Are you in pain?' whispered Asitha.

He opened his eyes to see her and Tiness looking worried at him. His heart pounded at the sight of these two looking intense at him and he wanted to pull them tight and tell them he loved them. 'I'm all right.' he sighed. 'Just the tiredness rearing it's ugly head now that it's over.'

The look in their eyes softened and he cursed himself for his cowardliness. Asitha stroked his forehead. 'We have a good excuse to take it easy for a while. I don't think either of our sides will expect us to continue our work right away after all we did to save the ships. How about we clean up and then laze around?'

He chuckled. 'I like that idea.' he said and they looked at Tiness. 'I'm all for it.' she said.

After a quick clean up they prepared snacks and drinks and sank down in the couch. 'What now?'Alain asked.

'Movie?' said Tiness. 'To ease into things.'

'Good idea.' Asitha said.'

'All right, movie it is.' said Alain and gave Tiness the remote. 'Your choice.'

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