26. Brandon; jelly fish alien

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We were late. Well what’s not new for me but normally its me and Mason rocking up when the party has already started and normally because we had been playing around or distracted but this time it was Nora at first insisting that we had sex which I denied then denied again and finally one last time before she actually began getting ready to come out. Sex with her wasn’t the same as it was when we first got together but it was sex non the less it’s just tonight I wouldn’t be in the mood knowing I would more than likely see Mason.

I’d wanted to text him every day but he was pissed and my Dad had told me to give him time to cool down and he would be back. So far nothing but maybe he needed longer than I thought... or maybe he wasn’t coming back this time.

When he rang me I was so scared to answer I almost didn’t. He sounded pissed like out of his mind drunk something I’d never really seen him like and it worried me. He wasn’t making much sense but I was quite sure he almost said he loved me... I could of been wrong or even if he was about to say it he stopped and he was blindly drunk too so I’d ignore it.

I was searching for him as soon as I got here trying to focus and ignore Nora’s bitching about her shoes being wet and sandy what did she expect I told her she didn’t have to come. I spotted him but it was too late I was already going in that direction... and like that  there he was sitting in front of me looking fucking flawless as I’d ever saw him. I almost chocked out whatever stupid excuse I made as I put Nora down and left to do whatever I said I was going to do, I think get beer. This was a stupid idea especially knowing his drunk its only going to end bad, maybe I should of tried harder to convince Nora to stay home tonight. You never know what he could tell everybody in his angry drunken state and I’d just pushed Nora in his face again without meaning to.

I found a cooler box full of beers, instead of taking just one I carried the entire box, granted it weighed a ton over to where the guys were  sat and I’d just left Nora. As I walked towards them I noticed Mason was no longer there. I handed a beer to Nora knowing she wasn’t picky about her drinks then one to each of the guys taking a seat with them we started talking about the new PlayStation game that had been released even though Nora was groaning not caring.

In the last hour and few minutes I may of been trying harder than everyone else to get drunk so far on my fourth beer as everyone else tried keeping up with me. Nora was wrapped under my arm my coat draped around her as she shivered she was cold making me feel like any minute she would begin asking if we could leave. Blair suddenly came jogging over leaning on his knees to catch his breath before straightening up and asking if we had seen Mason instantly making my chest tighten even just at the mention of his name or the fact that it seemed he was missing and if anyway in the state he was in earlier he would be in trouble.

“Not in like an hour man. Why?” Louie asked looking around for him as I too was scanning the beach line hoping to see his jean jacket somewhere.

“I haven’t seen him since about fifteen minutes ago.” He poured seeming panicked. Levi stood up quickly saying he would help him look for him.

“Nora I got to help.” I took my coat from around her standing up with the guys who had paused as they were about to take off.

“I thought-" I cut her off not needing to get into it now. I’d told her we had fell out, I hadn’t said why and she surprisingly hadn’t asked me much about why. I told her that didn’t matter now and I’d catch up with her in a little while and to stay put.

“Levi I’m with you let’s go.” I didn’t feel much like going anywhere with Blair because I knew he for sure would of known every detail of mine and Mason’s fight and I didn’t feel like going into it right now. We were all a little messy on our feet not helped that we were on sand as Blair went off one way and me and Levi the other up the beach. We'd agreed to call each other if we found him, when we found him.

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