Chapter 12

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I still at the mention of his parents. I can't meet his parents, they would instantly hate me and kick me out. Wait a minute that's it! If he can't see reason from me then why not see reason from the people who took care of him his whole life! My eyes lock at the scene in front of me. It amazes me how beautiful it is here. The waterfall flows down into the calm river below and sparkles from the sun. The creatures of the woods roam around by catching their dinner or drinking from the river. I smile at the sweet sight yet my heart tightens of what is to come.

"Okay let's go," I spoke to Ryder. I started to get up and climb down when a flash of skin went in front of my eyes dragging me down with him. I scream until we hit the ground. I open my eyes to see Ryder holding me bridal style, while still being completely naked. My cheeks flame up with heat and I dug my head into my arms while curling up into a ball. Ryder still holds me and starts to walk into the direction of the car we came in here in. His bare feet crunch the ground below as I peek out a little and see the beautiful sunset behind him. It is a mix of orange, light blue, red and pink. This is the last time I will be so beautiful because by the end of today I will be thrown back out onto the streets. My eyes swell with tears and I quickly kill them because I will definitely be questioned if I am crying out of no where. I go back to my previous position only to hear a person above me laugh.

"What are you doing hiding in your arms when you can look at the nature around you?" I sigh scared for what I am going to say next.

"There is no way I can look at you while you are . . . exposed." My cheeks turn even redder as he stops and laughs even more that he starts to wobble on his legs. After a good 5 minutes he is able to walk again and keep the laughing down to a minimum.

He says "Isn't that even a more of a reason to look at me?" Great he's the cocky kind. I curl myself closer in my ball as he tries to take back what he said and I got to admit it was awfully cute and funny. "Wait, I didn't mean that. Well I did, but I am not going to pressure you. I was only kidding around and didn't mean to-" my shoulders start to shake harshly as I try to keep down my laugh. My snickering and crying must have sounded like crying to him which made him even more worried and made me laugh even more. "Shit I meant that I was joking around, but if one day you wanted to do it then I would not object. Right now you can not take anything I say except my apologies and- man I am screwed aren't I?" He hangs his head and I couldn't take it anymore.

I laughed so loud I wouldn't be surprised if the animals started running. By the time I finished I look at Ryder, still snickering a little, and saw his confused face. "You have got to do that more often." I was smiling at him by how cute he acted. I laid my head back down on his chest and the words hit me. I was basically saying I was going to be with him more often, which is a lie. Once his parents get a look at me then they are going to send me packing. I smiled at the possibility of my life going back to normal yet at the same time I was saddened. The life Ryder could offer will be the best I could ever get and I am throwing it away. What am I thinking!? I can't let him offer me such an amazing life. That life should go to someone who is worthy and important, not someone who is useless and worthless.

 He continues to carry me until we get to his car. Ryder sets me down in the passenger side and buckles my seatbelt. He runs around to the back and gets a pair of short out of the trunk. He then gets in on the driver's side and stats to head down the road. As we continue down the road I felt Ryder taking little glances at me throughout the ride. He's probably thinking how ugly I look and wish I was being thrown out the window. A shiver runs through my body at the realization of his and everyone else's thoughts on me. I can't believe he even cares for me. I really hope that his parents hate me otherwise he will never get rid of me. He deserves better.

As we close in on his house I can't help, but gawk at the beauty. Before I was a little too preoccupied with him kidnapping me. The house was 2 stories high with extremely huge ceilings. On the outside it looks like a palace and if you touch it it would break. The woods surround it making it consumed by the wilderness. There are a lot of cars there which must be the rest of the pack.

He parks near the entrance and gets out while racing to get to my door to open it. I got out and we walked up to the door. He knocked on it as if he was a stranger, but I guess it was a way to say Don't blame me I forgot my key. He looked at me with a sheepish look that confirms my thoughts. The door opens to a husband and a wife which look a lot like Ryder. Him and his mother have the same eyes and hair while him and his father have the same build. They look at him with delight and when they turned to me their faces turns into disgust. They ripped him from me so fast that he didn't have time to react. They slammed the door in my face with such force that it almost shook the whole house. I knew it.

~Ryder's POV~

"What the hell did you do!?"

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