Chapter 20

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*Welcome to the last chapter of this book! I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far and I hope that I gave you guys a good ending! Enjoy!!*

"You brought me to Bora-Bora?!" My mouth gaped open in excitement. I had always wanted to go to Bora Bora on my honeymoon or anytime really, but I hadn't told Derek about my dreams. 

"I did." He bit his lip nervously. "Are you happy that I did?" He asked timidly as he walked closer to me, until he stood in front of me. 

It was very rare for me to see Derek so timid but when I did, it was adorable. I chuckled and poked his cheek. "So happy, you goof." He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. 

I stepped back before our lips could make contact and giggled, "We have got to go." I laughed as I quickly gathered my stuff and sat in my seat. In a few minutes, the plane landed and we got off into beautiful bora-bora. 

Practically jumping with excitement on the way to the hotel, I stared out the tinted windows and sang along to the upbeat songs playing on the radio. 

Derek, who was driving, kept sneaking glances at me and smiling. We were both so happy. He'd occasionally laugh and chuckle at my child-like behavior, but mostly kept quiet for the hour ride. 

When we arrived at the hotel, it was gorgeous. It was a modern white, at least 30 stories high and had a huge fountain in the front with a roundabout driveway wrapping around it. 

We got out of the car, ready to grab out bags but the employees had already started loading them up. As soon as we stepped into the lobby, I gasped lightly. It was humongous. Red carpet lined the floors from the door to the counter, with gold stripes on the sides of it. It looked like a tropical airport and was amazing. 

"This is gorgeous." I told Derek as I squeezed his hand lightly. 

He chuckled and looked down at me. "Wait till you see the room." He winked and started walking towards the counter.

"Hi, name?" The polite blonde woman asked as she tapped away on her computer. 

"Derek James." Derek answered. 

She typed for a moment before she turned around and grabbed a key that was for the highest floor. "Here's the key for the presidential suite, enjoy your stay!" She smiled widely as she held the key out to us. Derek took the key and lead us to the elevator. 

After what felt like a lifetime, we reached our floor and the doors opened. We walked out and to our room which was the only door on the entire floor. 

As a Derek went to unlock the door, my stomach was doing flips. He unlocked it and opened the door, leaving me in shock. There weren't words for how big and gorgeous this room was. There was a wide space when you walked in and a blood red carpet stretched across the room. When you walked further in, there were gold lined spiral stairs to your left and white furniture lining the back wall, facing the wall of windows. You could see the entire place from there. We were so far up, that people looked like ants below us. 

"I take from your shocked face that you like it?" He questioned as I stared out the big windows. 

I turned around to face him. "I love it!" I laughed. "It's gorgeous! More than anything I've ever dreamt of."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. I looked up at him and smiled. "It's perfect." 

"Like my wife." He said, a sweet smile stretched across his face. His eyes shone with love and adoration when he looked at me. It was everything I ever wanted from my husband, to be loved and to be shown that they love me, and Derek gave me that and more. 

"Like my husband." I smiled and kissed him softly, letting him feel the love that I had for him. 

We spent the rest of the nights wrapped in each other's arms, watching movies and eating junk food that we bought at gas stations. We had gone to the beach a couple times but we spent most of the vacation in the room. 

We spent two weeks there before we had to fly home to be with Beck, who we were missing so much. 

Over the next few years, Beck started growing up and could talk, walk, and would soon be going to school. Our life was great and was getting better. 3 years after we got married, I was pregnant once again. 9 months later, a beautiful baby girl was born. Skylar James. 

When she was 5, she was far more advanced than any other kid. She loved singing and dancing. It was rare that you'd find her sitting down watching TV, but she always did her homework. 

When she was 14, she became a bit more of a handful, wanting to go partying, not doing homework, falling behind. It was when she turned 20 that she got her life back on track. She had gotten a job at her father's company as C.E.O and showed that she was so much smarter than she let on, which Derek and I already knew. She looked so much like me but had her father's eyes. 

When she was 21, she met the wrong guy. He started trying to get her into drugs but our girl was smarter than that. 

Though everything changed when she was 24. She'd text me everyday that she was home safe and at work safe, but she didn't one day. Alarms were set off in my head, but everyone told me that she was fine, that she probably just forgot, but I knew better. 

I called the cops and sure enough, when they went to her job, she wasn't there, and when they went to her house, everything was messed up and we knew she had been kidnapped. 

I was going to find my daughter one way or another, with or without the cops help, and that's exactly what I did. 

The end

Thank you all so much for reading! Please stay tuned for Behind Closed Doors, the second book in this series!

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