Chapter twenty-seven- Back home

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As soon as we got home I ran upstairs to where I could hear Hunter calling for River, I walked into the bedroom and my little man looked up. His face lit up with the biggest smile ever.

"Mama, mama. Up"

He got up and started walking towards me, I just made it easier for him and walked towards him. I was crying my eyes out I loved him so much and River. I looked up to River and told him with my eyes to come here, he did and we all sat on the floor hugging.

"I love you River"

"I love you too Ava"

And that's how the rest of the night went, hugging, kissing and playing with Hunter until he went bed, after that me and River made love till the early hours of the morning. What? We haven't seen each other in two days and what could I say I was horny and I knew River definitely was horny. That man was horny constantly.

Short chapter guys!!

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