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The afternoon of Saturday we ended up driving to Harry's old house, since Maura had invited us over for dinner.

We decided to stop by the hotel before going there, so by the time we actually got there it was a bit later than usual, and it was already starting to get dark outside.

"Harry" I said, looking at him as soon as he parked the car but didn't make a move to get out, seeming much smaller and defenceless in the dark red crew neck sweater he was wearing.

"I don't think I can do this" he admitted, frowning, as he stared at the house through the glass of the car window.

I squeezed his forearm gently. "You can" I told him, "you've come so far already. I'm sure you can do it. But if you really feel like you can't we can just leave, and that's okay too."

"Just give me a minute" he said, and I gave him a nod, letting his arm go and letting him take it at his own pace.


Some moments went by, that we just spent sitting there in silence, and then he let out a little sigh. "Okay, let's go."

"Alright" I replied, getting out of the car just as he did the same and walking with him up to the house.

We stopped at the front door, and he hesitated a bit before ringing the doorbell, the sound resonating into the house and for some instants making me as nervous as he was.

I moved my finger and gently grazed his forearm, wanting to show him my support in some way but not wanting to take his hand in case he didn't want the person that would've opened to see a similar gesture.

Then, the door opened.

"Oh dear, Harry!" Maura exclaimed in the second she opened the door, pulling him into a hug. "I missed you so much." She let him go, holding him at an arm's length and taking a proper look at him. "Look at you, you've grown so much" she said, seeming to be a bit emotional. "I'm so happy to see you." She finally turned to look at me, sending me a curious glance. "You look familiar. Wait, weren't you with Harry some years ago? I'm glad he got to keep you."

There was an awkward silence in the second she said that last sentence, and then Harry cleared his throat a bit. "Can we come in?"

"Oh, sure" Maura said, moving to the side to allow us to walk in. "You must be tired, it's a long drive from London."

We hesitantly walked inside the house, and I quickly gave a look around, making sure that it wasn't too noticeable. It didn't take a particularly attentive person to tell that nothing inside that house had changed in the past five years. Everything was perfectly identical to how it used to be, and I couldn't help but wonder how Harry was feeling, walking inside that place again after all those years and seeing it so unchanged.

"We're fine" Harry muttered in reply as I took off my jacket and put it on the coat hanger next to the door after being coaxed by Maura.

She nodded, seeming to feel the sudden tension that had started to develop inside the room. "Good" she stated, before looking towards kitchen. "I hope you've set the table!"

I didn't even have time to wonder who she was talking to before Niall suddenly came out of kitchen, and I almost had a heart attack in the second he did. Did Harry know he would've been there?

"Yeah" he replied to his mother, letting his blue eyes linger on us for some seconds before speaking again. "Harry."

His words were met by the most complete silence as Harry just stared at him, his jaw clenched, a cold look in his eyes, seeming to have no intention to reply to him - and I honestly couldn't blame him. If his betrayal was still too fresh in my mind, I didn't even dare to think of how Harry was feeling.

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