Chapter Forty-Two: Lila

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Authors Note: Hold up my peoples! I don't do this often (or really ever) but there's someone special who made me tear up last night because they messaged me a lot of compliments about my book. This chapter goes out to my loyal reader KamrieStout! Thank you all for reading and thank you all for your support. If you guys have any ideas as to the book, shoot me a message and I promise to read it. Alrighty, I'm done. Continue reading. Don't blame me for the ending. 

My plan for telling Lila everything had three steps so far.

Step One) Sit her down and tell her everything.

Step Two) Make her believe me.

Step Three) Escape my father and live to see my next birthday.

Okay, so planning wasn't going great. Who was I kidding? Planning wasn't going at all. I didn't have the slightest idea where to start or how I would start.

I had started keeping more to myself. I guess the boys were getting worried because they had been bugging me to do more stuff with them. I always found some excuse to stay on my own, though.

I didn't want to hurt them but I needed some time to think. Some time to figure out what to do.

My father had gotten even more physical lately, and the boys were ready to kill every 'random boy' in the school. Let's just say that some poor soul out there was getting all the blame for all my bruises. I pitied the poor guy.

It wasn't like I was pointing fingers, but my brothers were still speculating. Trying to figure out who could possibly be ignoring their threat.

Mr. Lee had left me alone. There hadn't been any fights and Kade was back at school.

I didn't know what to do about my father. I didn't know what to say or how to approach the situation.

Can you honestly blame me?

"Ariel, I've been talking to you for the past ten minutes and I'm guessing you haven't heard any of it." Thea, a nice girl in my Chemistry class, said with a smile. I shook my head.

"Honestly, I had no idea that anyone was even talking." I muttered sheepishly. Thea laughed, throwing her head back. She started picking at the ends of her dreads, biting her lip.

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but are you okay? You've been really distant these last few days. Plus, you made a B. You don't make B's. Ever." Thea asked dramatically.

The girl may have been smart, funny, and stunningly beautiful, but she was a drama queen. I found her company nice, though, so I wasn't complaining. She almost reminded me of Kas, but not so much of a golden girl.

Thea was a rebel. She was the first person in her family to not get into drugs or selling on the streets. She wasn't ashamed of the fact that she came from a poor Black family on the wrong side of the tracks. In fact, she flaunted it.

She also used it as a threat. She told people that she came from the wrong side of the tracks and wasn't afraid to start cutting people.

People usually left her alone. But she latched onto me and I wasn't telling her no, so we kinda stayed friends. Maybe friends? I don't know.

"Not really. There's something I need to tell Lila about but I don't know how to start the conversation." I said guiltily. Thea thought over it for a second.

"Just go for it. Tell her everything she needs to know up front so that she can't get mad at you for keeping it from her." Thea said simply. I was thankful that she wasn't asking any questions.

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