Unexpected Twist

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It was a chilly winter morning. The fog conquered the entire area as if it was ruled by it. The thick fog didn't even allow the sweet sun rays to visit the earth. Few birds chirped welcoming the sweet morning. A pleasant smell prevailed in the atmosphere giving the feel of the chilly winter morning.

Very few people were walking in the streets, doing their daily chores while perhaps most of the people were enjoying their sweet sleep in their warm comfortable beds

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Very few people were walking in the streets, doing their daily chores while perhaps most of the people were enjoying their sweet sleep in their warm comfortable beds.

A young guy of around 24 years, wearing a dark green sweater and a blue apron, was making food in the kitchen. His keen eyes perfectly picked the right ingredients for the dish he was preparing, while his sharp nose detected any shortcomings through the aroma of the dish. Feeling the dish was cooked, he bent down to inhale a good amount of aroma to check if the dish was perfect or not.


With those words, he removed his apron and carried the dishes to the dining table. He looked at the clock and it was 8 am. Shaking his head, he brought a few garnishing ingredients and garnished the dishes. He had already cleaned the entire house and decorated it.


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"Hah..." He took a sighed as he looked around the house. "It's perfect now. Wang Yibo is going to love it."

You must be wondering why that boy kept himself so busy instead of sleeping in the chilly morning, right?

That young guy was Xiao Zhan, a designer of a famous company. He was famous all over Beijing for his unique style of designing and his hard work. He used to live alone in a big apartment until his best friend, Wang Yibo, moved into his house.

Wang Yibo was an expert bike racer who never lost even a single bike race. He became so famous at the young age of 22 years that he got offers to participate in international bike racing championships.

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan were college best buddies. Their friendship was beyond imagination. They used to be so close and possessive of one another that people sometimes mistook them as a couple. Three years ago, Wang Yibo moved to Xiao Zhan's apartment and from then they started to live together until Wang Yibo received a chance to participate in international bike racing championships.

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