XII | Attack

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"Get down!" Claire shouted as she pulled Evan to the ground.

Whistling steel shrieked overhead, tearing through the trees and smashing into the ground around them. Evan through his arms over his head. He could feel his sister's weight push against his back.

Chunks of dirt pelted them as the last of the cannonballs impacted.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, where's Tahlia?"

"I'm alright." Tahlia dusted off her pale dress. Streaks of brown stained it from where the earth rubbed against the thin threads.

"We need to move, Evan!"

Evan felt Claire's hand wrap around the collar of his breastplate and heave him to his feet. "Which way do we go?"

"Towards our ship. We can use the trees to conceal us, make it harder for them to target us!" Claire looked to the ships. "Go!"

Fire erupted from them followed by clouds of smoke. The three ducked when more cannon fire littered the ground around them as they tore into the forest. Their hearts raced in their chests. Evan knew at this range, and under the concealment of the trees, that there was little chance the cannon fire would hit them. However, that didn't stop the dread from coursing through him like fire through dry grass.

A shadow swept over them followed by the roar of engines. The faint call of "Fire" came from above them followed by a series of explosions. The three curled their heads to their chest, covering their ears.

Claire looked up to see The Valkyrie heading toward where the Empire had been firing upon them. "Tahlia, fly to them and let them know we're here!"

"Right!" Tahlia leapt into the sky, and with a few strong beats, she soared toward the airship.

"Evan, come on!" Claire turned on her toes and began running.

Evan drove his heels into the ground and pushed off, following his sister. A rope ladder fell over the railings of the Valkyrie.

"Hurry up, Evan!"

"I'm running as fast as I—"

Another barrage impacted around them. Two of the cannonballs tore through the hull of the Valkyrie, sending splinters raining upon the two Montresser children.

The ground shook beneath them. Both steadied themselves on a tree.

"That was too close. Another volley will hit us for sure!" Evan screamed as he pushed off his.

"We'll make it, brother!" Claire reached the ladder first and steadied it. "You first. Let's go!"

Evan leapt onto the ladder, placing one foot on the lowest rung and swinging the other wide to steady himself. He could feel the rippled braids of rope through his gauntlets as he began to pull himself upwards. He turned his head to the sky. The Valkyrie seemed a mountain peak's height away. He'd never reach it before one of the Empire's cannons turned him to nothing but mist, of that he was certain.

The ladder swayed as Claire pulled herself onto it behind him. It shifted the other way as the Valkyrie began to move. Evan tightened his grip on the rope to keep himself from being shaken from it. He pulled himself up as fast as he could.

Evan's heart nearly stopped. A shriek blew past his ears as cannon fire just missed them. He clutched tight to ladder and closed his eyes. He was sure the next volley would pass right through him.

"Don't stop, brother! You have to keep going!" Claire's voice came from below.

Evan opened his eyes and looked down. She was only a few rungs below him. The Valkyrie's cannons erupted in deafening explosions. Evan cried out as his ears rang with the sound. He threw his hand up the ladder and began to climb again. Claire was right. Staying there meant death. If he kept moving, there may be a chance they survive.

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