young ones

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Lexi Kapanen

We decided that I could spent today just with my brother and our friends. So that's what we are doing. We are at the arcade just having fun and enjoying our time together.

It's rare that so many of us get to hang out together, at least this time of the season but yeah. I really have missed this.

"Auston they have our game here!" Mitch yells like a little kid as he sees tablehockey on the other side of the room. (or whatever it is in English).

I chuckle at these guys childness and  take a sip of my milkshake. This place is heaven I swear.

"So tell me" Teuvo starts as he sits next to me on the bar counter. I turn to face him and he continues. "How you really holding up. You know with Lucas, then was it Blake and all of that. I mean you are basically all the time surroundes with a group of guys. Either it's us, or the young ones." He says and I chuckle at the name 'young ones'. I think about it for a moment before I answer "well it's rough from time to time. I haven't really been alone in a week or two. But Jack is the best thing that has happened to me. As well as the other 'young ones' " I quote Teuvo and he chuckles nodding. "Well if you ever need me, or you know, us. We all are always there for you" he smiles and I smile at him too. "Now let's go play with Mitch and Auston alright?" He says nudging my shoulder and I smile widely while nodding and we practically run towards the tablehockey.

"Should we order something for dinner? Or do we go out to eat?" Mikko asks when we are all just laying on my couch watching Brooklyn 99. "Let's go out to eat." Auston suggests and I agree with him, as well as others. "So casual or fancy?" I ask and all the boys looks at eachother. "Well I have my suit with me, since I'm flying straight to my next game." Connor says and I smirk, knowing all of them have atleast one suit with them.

"Okay, fancy it is then. I call Hailey. She propably wants to dress fancy too. Let's meet here in 45 mins, sounds okay?" I say and everyone nods.

I sprint to my room and call Hailey. She agrees to come so I hit the suffle buttom of my Spotify playlist and run to shower. I wasn't prepared for this alright?

After I come out of the shower I dry my hair and do some loose curls to them.

Then it's time for my nightmare. Yep. Makeup. Actually fancy makeup. You'll see I am not very good at it since I'm not a girly girl.

After my fourth attempt I finally got it done and all I had to do now was picking up a dress and some jewelry. Something that my brother(s) wouöd approve

I look at the clock. Shit has it already been 40 minutes? I gotta hurry.

I ended up wearing a navy blue dress with silver necklace. I found my high heels and run downstairs. "Finall- wow. Okay you really did your best" Jack says and I look at him in shock. "Baby what are you doing here?" I ask amazed looking him at his beautiful suit.

"I invited him. And Quinn since he is dating Hailey." Kasperi says and I hug him. While smiling at Hailey. She is wearing a dark red dress with necklace and earrings. "Okay then, let's go"

Sorry this isn't my best chapter but this is kind of a filler. Hope you still enjoy it:)

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