Ch. 1

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Jace's POV

"Don't forget, come home right away after school to get ready for dinner tonight."

I nodded as I kissed my mom's cheek, "Will do. What time will you be home?"

She smiled at me, "I'm working from home today, I'll be able to get more work done that way."

I nodded, "Okay, well I'm heading to school. See you later."

"Bye honey, I love you."

I shouted a quick "Love you too," as I opened and then closed the front door. I walked up to my car, unlocked it, got situated and left for school.

Today should be a good day. I'm watching movies in two classes, no tests in the other ones, it's a special day where we have extra time before classes start to hang out, and I get to go out with my mom and little sis tonight. Yeah, there'll be a mystery person but I'm not too worried about that. Before I knew it, I arrived at school. And I managed to get a good parking spot! I finished parking and grabbed my bag and walked into the school with a smile on my face. I like being an optimistic and bright person so I always try to smile. Even if I'm walking into boring-old-school.

I walked up to my friends, "Hey guys."

"Yay, you're here! We were just talking about seeing a movie after school. Are you in?"

"Aw, sorry I have plans with my family tonight. Raincheck?"

Riley smiled and nodded as Grace put her arm around me, "What're you doing?"

"Having dinner with some mystery person my mom wants me and Jazzy to meet."

Dallas laughed, "You have fun with that. It's probably her secret boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes but kept a smile on my face, "Even if it is, I don't mind."

Riley looked at me skeptically, "Really?"

I nodded at her, "Our dad was an asshole, she deserves someone way better. And I know she'll never put her boyfriend before us. We're too cute."

The girls giggled at my comment while Dallas fake vomited, making me swat his arm. Just at that moment, I looked to my left and my smile dropped and a slight glare went on my face. Alec Walker. He made eye contact with me and gave me the same look I imagine I'm giving him. Alec and I have never gotten along. Never.

"Yoohoo! Earth to Jacey!"

I shook my head and looked to Grace who was waving her hands like crazy, "Huh?"

Dallas smirked, "Fantasizing over your enemy?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Don't be ridiculous."

Grace giggled, "Then why were you staring at him?"

I stuttered for a few seconds for a response before they all started laughing and I huffed as I crossed my arms, "You guys are so mean."

Dallas patted my back as he calmed his laughter, "Sorry, dude, it's just so easy to mess with you."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah yeah. So what movie are you guys gonna see?"

"We were thinking about seeing the new Jumanji movie."

I laughed, "We literally saw that two weeks ago together."

"Yeah, but it was a good movie!"

I just rolled my eyes and somewhat listened to the girls gush about Dwayne Johnson's muscles and tattoos. I mean he is hella attractive but not my type. I don't like super muscley guys. I like nice cute boys, they need to be in touch with their emotions but not too much, and they need to be okay with me dying my hair often because my ex always nagged me about it and it was annoying as fuck.

As I was spaced out, my eyes started wandering and they once again landed on Alec and his group of friends. His friends are my type minus the in touch with the emotions part. Alec, however, is a total jackass. I don't see how anyone can stand to be around him. Of course, I think he's cute, I will never say that out loud though, but his personality. Just... ugh! He gets on every single one of my nerves with one sentence, and even sometimes with just an annoying or cocky look. We've butted heads since eighth grade when we were partnered for something in a class and I complained about doing all of the work and he told me to stop acting like such a wimp and ever since then we've disliked each other and had other bad encounters. Just then, he turned and made eye contact with me. I just kept a blank face as I stared into his brown eyes. His eyes are so misleading because they make him look kind but he's just an asshole. Our gaze didn't last long when he rolled his eyes and turned back to his friends. I should probably stop staring at him too. 

The bell rang just on time for me to send him back a small glare and then walk away with Grace to our shared first-hour class.


Alec's POV

Dad- Remember to come home right away after school for dinner

A- I know

A- Are you gonna tell me who you're taking me to meet?

Dad- Where's the fun in that? :)

A- Lol 

For the past week, my dad has been reminding me about this special dinner out with three mysterious people that he's been keeping a secret. I'm excited but then again nervous. I'm pretty sure he's introducing me to his girlfriend, who he's told me about but has yet to tell me her name or what she looks like. Which is literally such a childish thing to do, but that's my dad. I'm not nervous because he has a girlfriend, I'm just lowkey worried she'll be like twenty. Aka half my dad's age. We'll see. 

Good, the bell just rang signaling fifth hour to be over. Only one more hour to go!


"I don't have to wear a suit, do I?"

My dad chuckled, "No, just wear dress pants or unripped jeans."

"Ok, I'll be down in a few then."

He nodded at me as I left.

When I got to my room, I shuffled around some clothes in my closet for a few seconds before I found my one pair of unripped black jeans, and after some more shuffling I found a dark blue button-up long sleeve dress shirt. After I got dressed, I put on my good sneakers, my lucky ring, and put on some cologne. I'm ready to socialize.

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