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"Aww come on this is the worst punishment ever" Taehyung exclaimed as he stared at the wall. Unfortunately the four youngsters were punished by having to stare at the wall for hours. Not doing anything, just sitting and staring. 

"Y/n and jungkook you two can go, Tae and Jimin you stay." Jin spoke up after a few minutes.

 "But why do they get to go?" Tae and Jimin whined. 

"They were drunk only because you two said it was a good idea. Unlike her, Jungkook can handle alcohol just like us, yet he was drunk and the sign said not to eat, but you ate it anyways!" He was yelling at them, they looked like they were about to cry but then turn around and went back to staring. 

"Also y/n go to namjoon's office he wanted to talk to you after you were done with the punishment." Jin states staring at tae and Jimin.

You replied with a simple okay and left. But before going to the office you took a shower. Jungkook left clothes for you and left to work out in their gym. You were surprised hearing that hey had a gym, but not that surprised, they were the rich mafia's after all... you changed and went to namjoon's office.

He told you to help him; 10 papers each, and each file stapled, but you messed up around 500 times and had to redo everything so many times. Finally it was over you were able to go. He dismissed you and you went to your room and went straight to bed.

The next day you woke up and took a shower. It was awfully quiet so you decided to visit their rooms, but no one was there. You went to the kitchen and decided to eat. There you saw a post- it note on the kitchen counter. 

"We will be out for a while, you clean up the stuff and make sure no escaping, we're always watching you. But anyways enjoy after you're done ." After reading the note which also had a smiley face at the end (not so mafia likely) you decided to eat something. After you were done eating you went to the living room and cleaned up some stuff. You didn't have to clean the boys room since they were already clean, well except Taehyung's,  who knows what he does in his room. It was a disaster, but after finishing all the cleaning you went to the living room to relax and chill. You tuned on the tv and watched it. 

You slowly started drifting off to sleep. Despite it being 6pm it was dark outside as if it was bedtime already. You ate some food around an hour ago so you weren't hungry. Just as you were about to fall asleep you heard some whispering. You thought the boys were home. 

"Well well, who do we have here?" You jolted up. None of the boys were there, it was a group of another boys.

"Who the hell are you!?" You yelled, You didn't know if it was your fear or bravery or both. 

"Why take their wealth when we can have you.." one of the boys spoke up."

You looked at the cameras but they were off. What the hell? 

"Boys get her!" You got up and ran the opposite way. There had to be another door you could have used. They keep the working rooms closed, they need a password which you don't know. Plus you would get it wrong, no matter how much you tried. You ran until you go to big doors. Finally a place where the cameras were on, but the thing is you weren't familiar with this place. The closer you got the cameras changed color. When you were closest to the door it changed to red a little bit further and it was yellow when you were around 30 ft away they turned green. 

They're watching me...Just as you were lost in your thought the unfamiliar boys's yells were heard. You ran through the doors. They led you outside. You ran and ran with the others right behind you. You turned and ran through the forest, losing them for a while. Good thing you did, it lead you to another road. You saw lights shining towards you and the car stopped right before hitting you. 

 It's Bangtan...

BTS Mafia ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن