Battle Cries of Fallen Stars

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I was reading H. G Wells War of the Worlds when it happened. It was in study, and I sat in a lonely corner of the classroom reading since I had virtually nothing to do. All the homework was done, no one I really knew was with me in study, and all I had with me was a book to read or a dulled out pencil I could use to end my misery right here and now. I mean, who the actual heck reads H. G Wells anymore? Every else is either reading about hardcore teen love or those 'diverse' books everyone keeps talking about. Heck, I've seen books that are about both! And I guess that's why I only read the classics, and that's sad. Mostly because my book didn't have that stuff, and the only diversity is between the humans and the Martians that tried to obliterate them.

I actually felt like an alien in the class, and then it happened.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

I looked up and saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life. I was hooked by those sparkling blue eyes and angelic face, and I dared not look down as if to send creepy vibes and ruin this beautiful moment but instead I yelped "Of course!" She sat down and I pumped my arm in a "Yes!" kind of motion, then I looked again and my jaw dropped.

Yep, I might as well have been obliterated by Martians and gone to heaven.

I didn't notice I held the book in my hands and she turned to me and pointed at it. "Oh, you read that too?" I froze for a second, and all the thoughts of what other classmates have told me ranging from "What an interesting book..." to "Go eat some alien-" we'll leave it at that, but I was afraid she was going to say one of those things when I told her it was mine.

"No..." I say almost like someone stepped on my toe, "... it's required reading for school. You know, aliens and stuff. Love covering that." Her face shifted into that of a 'Oh, OK..." kind of look and then she pulled out her book.

It was also H. G. Wells, and it was The Time Machine, and what I said next made me wish I had one so I can go back and see if I could have said anything more slick.

"Well, I wouldn't say it's for English, it's more of a requested reading. I had to pick from a list of books like Spacelander or The Blob Kin Diaries and all that other stuff..." She shifted her eyes to me and beamed. "Oh, I love The Blob Kin Diaries!" I made what seemed like my best impersonation of a donkey being hauled into a barn (She laughed at that) and then I said "Well, they're all the same really... Aliens making out with other aliens (burr...) but tell you what, War of The Worlds is legit a classic. The Time Machine probably is to, but I don't think I've ever seen or read that one." The girl put her book down and looked at me straight in the eyes, losing me once again to that serious and vigorous look. "I like H. G Wells' books. But you know, they just don't seem to portray us just right. I mean, we just seem like the invaders and such, don't you think?" I look at her book again and I just shrug. "I honestly don't know how to answer that one. And to be frank, I don't even know who's invading who anymore." She giggled and then I said "Name's Orson by the way. Orson Sellew." Her eyes glistened and she replied "Mine is Neb'in." Then the bell emanated a loud screech and I had to cover my ears. "Shoot, I hate that freakin' bell." The girl licked her lips and said "You'll get used to it." Then as she left, I couldn't help but look at the vast, purple terrain with a large upside-down warship-like aircraft lurking right above it, casting a menacing shadow as it covered the planet's biggest sun.

I just barely whisper "Don't take your time." Then with a slutch, I leave the classroom, gathering my school supplies but unfortunately leaving my journal with a page of lined paper torn from it.

"So, anything you like to say about the planet Orson?" My dad spoke in a deep commanding voice, almost always sounding like he was giving out an order to someone every time he spoke, and he always talked to me like that. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a piece of lined paper and said "I took notes in my Geology class, and it appears the core of the planet is surrounded by some sort of... Gold alloy." My dad stopped and grabbed the piece of paper and examined it as if it was my college application, his eyes almost bulging out of his tanish face. "Good boy, a good note taker just like your mother." I look at my feet and mutter "Yeah..."

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