Chapter 26

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Sano's POV

Tomorrow is our 3 months anniversary. 3 MONTHS. Time flies so fast. I'm really excited. I hope Asyraf remember, no, I'm sure he remembers. He is the one who force me to marry him. I'm sure he does.

I was dreaming what Asyraf will give. Then I saw him entering our room with a few paper bags. Early gifts? Wow.

"Asyraf, you bought all this so early" I said

"Of course, we don't have much time you know." He said.

" We do have a plenty of time right." I said blushing while playing with the end of my shawl.

"But they are coming tonight. We can't do everything last minute honey." He said. Wait, they?

"Who is coming?" I asked.

" Our clients from London. You know Mr. and Mrs Sebastian right. Its for them. I think they will like it." He said.

Mr. and Mrs Sebastian? MR. AND MRS SEBASTIAN. I am talking about us idiot khan. What possess me when I agree to marry you.

"Aayraf, you know right tomorrow is...."

" of course I remember wifey. How can I forget." He said. Alhamdulillah he remember.

" We have to be in office early tomorrow." He said

"Office? why?" I asked.

Maybe he wanted to give a treat to our employees.

" Then where we can sign our new project. Remember, we are signing up a new contract with Jaishwal's." He said.

I just let out a frustrated sigh and gave him a fake smile.

"You know what Asyraf? Just forget about it. " I said and walked toward the door to get out from here.

"Sano wait, I bought something for you." He said. I thought he forget.

"Wear this for the meeting tomorrow." He said. Whatttttt? For meating?
I just glared at him and walked out.

I walked to the kitchen and saw mama there.

" Assalamu Alaikum mama." I said.

"Wa Alaikum salam beta. Its already 3 months of yoyr marriage. Tomorrow is a special day for both of you. Enjoy" She said. At least she remember.

"Thanks mama" I said and hugged her.

" What do you think Asyraf will gave you. Must be something special naa" She asked.

" Mama, I dont think so he remember.
I gave him hint but no use. Trust me Mama, if I have a son in future, he will be anyone but a businessman." I said.

"That idiot, you are right Sano. I should have asked your baba to give Asyraf his position when he is 45. Its a big mistake to let him become the CEO at 27." She said while shook her head.

" Its ok mama, I will give him time till 11.59 night tomorrow. If he dont remember, the he will be sleeping in his office for a week" I said evilly. Then I realised to whom I am talking. Oppsss, I forget that she is Asyraf's mother.

"Sorry Mama, I di....."

"No sano, Im with you. Dont worry, even your baba have to go through this for a month. You are so good that you just gave him a week." She said. Wow, I have a cool mother in law. *readers, dont be jealous.*


Time passed so quickly. Its 7.30 now. I'm infront of the mirror getting ready for the meeting. Asyraf bought a long red dress for me with silver embroidery. I wore my hijab and put on a light make up. He entered the room and he stopped on his track for a moment. Then he said

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