Chapter 15

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It was Tuesday and Lisa left work early to meet Jennie at the library.

Jennie's face lit up when she saw Lisa waiting outside. She hurried over, giving Lisa a kiss hello.

'Shouldn't you be at work?' Jennie signed, letting Lisa loop her arm through hers.

"I should, but pizza and you sounded a lot more fun than another couple of hours stuck behind my desk," Lisa explained, pulling Jennie closer.

It started snowing on the way back to Jennie's apartment and Jennie crossed her arms across her chest to keep herself warm. Lisa realised Jennie wasn't wearing her scarf.

"Ah shit!" Lisa cursed, "I still have your scarf at my place."

Jennie rolled her eyes, 'It's fine, I have more than one scarf'

"But it's your favourite scarf! And you're freezing," Lisa argued.

'That's because I left my other scarf at home, and it's fine I'll just get it tomorrow'


They were cuddled up on the sofa under a pile of blankets, eating pizza as they watched another Christmas film. Lisa wasn't really focussing on the film though, instead she was watching Jennie, who was captivated by the screen.

Lisa got up off the sofa, kissing the side of Jennie's head as she picked up their empty mugs and carried them to the kitchen.

"Coffee of hot chocolate?" Lisa yelled over her shoulder as she pulled the milk out of the fridge. She turned around for Jennie's answer and set about making her a hot chocolate, and a coffee for herself.

Carrying the mugs back over to the sofa, she handed Jennie one piled high with marshmallows and lean forward for a kiss. They sat there sipping their drinks, and Jennie finished off the rest of the pizza.

Her attention wandering again, Lisa reached under the blankets and placed her hand on Jennie's knee. Her expression didn't change, so Lisa let her hand slide further up Jennie's leg, smirking as she slowly trailed her fingers upwards. Jennie turned her head slightly towards Lisa, her eyes still focused on the TV. It wasn't until Lisa's fingers pressed against the skin on Jennie's stomach that she pulled her attention away from the screen and pushed her lips against Lisa's.

Lisa rolled them over so that she had Jennie pinned beneath her, smiling as she lowered herself down to recapture Jennie's lips with her own. Her hands had just made in past the waistband of Jennie's sweatpants when Lisa's phone started vibrating on the coffee table. Jennie started to turn in the direction of the buzzing, pulling away from the kiss.

"No, leave it," Lisa mumbled against Jennie's lips.

The vibrating stopped after a while, and Lisa carried on with her wandering hands. Until her phone started ringing again. Sighing, Lisa sat up, straddling Jennie as she reached over to the coffee table and picked up her phone.

It was Jess, and Lisa was annoyed. She knew not to call Lisa once she'd left the office unless it was important, and it had better be really important for her to be interrupting them now.

Jennie propped herself up on her elbows, sliding one hands up along Lisa's thigh and disappearing up her skirt. Lisa's face turned serious as she listened to what was being said on the phone, and she stopped Jennie's hand with her own.

"Fuck, I'm on my way, don't panic, don't touch anything, I'll be there soon," Lisa rambled, scrambling off of Jennie as she hung up. Rushing around the apartment, Lisa gathered her coat, shoes and bag, as Jennie stood there confused.

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