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The futuristic structure of this huge house, made of sangemarmar (white stone) and glass - it looked out of place jutted on top of a hilltop.
From the inside it was a masterpiece of classical architecture, the pastel colored walls, cream and white furniture, the floors of the house were made of maple and Ash wood.
It was calm, soothing and peaceful...
In contrast to the house the owner of this beautiful place was completely different...rude, arrogant, ruthless
Altamash Shah stood in the living room, in front of the glass windows that gave him a beautiful view of his town.
The iridescent light in shades of pink and orange were reflecting against the giant glass windows.
Altamash Shah averted his gaze from the heart capturing beauty of his town.
He tucked his hands in his grey pants,
His clothes looked medieval because of his taste in vintage clothing.

Altamash turned around to stare at his right hand men; Hashim.
Hashim was with him when he took charge of this small town at the age of 20. Now; after 13 years, Hashim was still beside him.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop addressing me as Sir? I'm your brother"
Altamash Shah spoke in his honey voice, a dimple on his left cheek disappeared after making a show.

"Sorry Bhai, I have the file ready, it has all the important information you needed"
Hashim gave him a black file that Altamash took eagerly.

He had to praise Hashim for his expeditious findings.
Altamash nodded at hashim, as a sign to leave him alone.
Hashim left the room.

"Nehaal Malik, 23, a senior editor in sunrise publishing company, travels a lot, parents are dead, lives with her khala, shifted in this town two days ago..."
Altamash searched the contents of the file.
Interesting; a lopsided smirk made its way to his lips.
He thought about how the little vixen was enjoying her escapade.
Her valiant nature excited something inside of him.
He wanted to tame her.
He remembered how her face was just a mere inches away, he could have relished her parted pink lips but he didn't..
Altamash Shah's mind made scenarios on how he can coax that beauty in his bed.
Nehaal Malik would be his soon...


"Yes, Sir! I have already emailed you the draft..No No I'm not leaving the country anytime soon.."
Nehaal ended the conversation with her boss. Khalid Sahib
She remembered how faintly aloof this old man was when she first joined the company but now he was as friendly as one can be.
Her khala was out with some neighbor ladies to shop for groceries.
Nehaal was alone in the house, she felt a bit peckish even though she already had lunch, taking out her bowl of fruit youghurt from the fridge, she wrapped her maroon shawl around her shoulders to cover her naked arms, she was dressed in a baby blue sleeveless shirt along with white trousers; making her way to the balcony she feed on her youghurt.
The view from her balcony was enchanting, the sun was slowly fading away and the sky was a beautiful shade of orangish pink.
Nehaal smiled, maybe choosing this peaceful valley as her dwelling wasn't bad.
Nehaal felt eyes on her, she searched for the person who was staring at her but there was no one.
She pushed it at the back of her mind and kept eating and admiring the view.

Not far from her house, a black expensive car with shaded windows was parked, a pair of steel grey eyes were drinking every minutiae of her.


It was in the middle of the night, the charcoal black night sky was littered with specs of shiny stars, devils and angels were roaming the night; hidden from human eyes but still there...
Nehaal was staying up late again to finish the remaining pages of her classic romance novel, her sculpted tiny fingers were tracing the pages as she smiled amusedly at the scene she just read.
Cliche romance stuff.
Nehaal Malik you're not going to get any of it.
Nehaal chuckled at herself.
Will she ever find someone who enraptures her heart? Maybe not.
Being a romance freak since her teenage years she always believed in love but does she want to be tied down to a man for her whole life? No.
Marriage was a beautiful bond but Nehaal wasn't ready to be committed to a man...at least not yet.
A mind-provoking ring tone of her phone had her biting her lip.
Damn..should have muted my phone.
She swiftly picked up her phone and answered the call.

"Hello? Do you realize it's the middle of the night, don't disturb me"
Nehaal whisper yelled at the other person, hoping that khala won't wake up or else she would have to sit and bear a half an hour lecture.

"Sweet...and what about the disturbance you're causing me in the middle of the night"
Nehaal gaped like a fish when she heard a deep voice.
Wtf...who is that?
She stared at the unknown number.
It was her fault for picking up her phone without checking the caller ID.

"Umm excuse me? Do I know you Sir? It seems like you have dialed a wrong number"
Nehaal mumbled. She heard a low chuckle from the other side that almost sent shivers down her spine.
Why this laugh sounded dangerous?

"It's the right number nehaal malik"
Nehaal's panicked.
how this sexy voiced man knew her name?

"Do we know each other Sir?"
She heard another chuckle.
Is this man mocking me? The audacity.

"We don't know each other well babe but how long does it take to know a person?"
Nehaal frowned.
Was someone prank calling her?

"I don't know you. Don't call me again or else I'll block you. I'm not here to entertain your prank calls"
Nehaal snapped.

"I wonder how you entertain in bed sweetcheeks"
Nehaal glared at her phone, who was this man and how can he talk to her like that?
The nerve of this man.

"How dare you?"
Nehaal growled, getting pissed off.

"Dare? I can do so much more sweetcheeks but let's stop for now. Get your beauty sleep. I don't want any flaws under those gorgeous eyes of yours, remember you belong to A.S"
The deep voiced man hanged up and left her wondering who was A.S?


I know it's short but that's what I can come up with at the moment.
I'm going thru some shit these days and can't get my focus on writing.
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