Kings Heart

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Archangel sternly glare at the document in his hand before a knock came in.

"Come in."

Jasper looks at the King's face and immediately salute.

"Be at ease. It's just me." Archangel sigh, throw the document in the table and lean on the chair looking at the ceiling.

"What's the matter?"

"The demon tribe Supras refuse to have another peace meeting after they send me seven reports of human invading normal demon tribe village and ransacking it. They even warn me that the next letter they will send might be a death warning. All I want is peace. Why is everyone so against it?"

"Human believes that we can exterminate the demons. Though we are stronger than before. Demons are born with superior strength and magic ability. If they met a high ranking demon they will all wet their pants."
Jasper smirks and sit down.

"And that is where the endless revenge started. Anyways, how is your subjugation team doing?"

"We don't find the demon you are looking for. I imprisoned alot of bandits. There is just one strange guy I met who help this particular bandit boss escape. I really wanted to continue my pursuit but my vice captain is.....change him. That aristocratic way of bossing my men is throwing me off. I might kill him if he won't shut up."

"Relax. He is about to be 'promoted' so wait a little more. We really need to see that kid. And to see him alive. It is predicted that he might be the next demon king. If we convince him to let the adults join the peace treaty then my life will be easier."

"Hmmm. That demon child resembles the former demon king Taru as the records suggested."

"Yes. But you know. It is very strange. My father use to tell me that our great great ancestor left as a diary about a very cgatismatic and humble demon king. It also said that that demon King is reign as the strongest. But he gave up his power in order to bridge peace with humanity. I always wonder what happen to that demon king."

"I'm sure your great ancestor is not talking about a real person but a person he wished existed. And instead of diary, it might be a story he wants to tell his predecents."

"You might be right. A demon King who will give up his powers for peace. If it is a myth. Then what is that horn like thing in the palace vault?"

"Maybe Demon King's Taru's horn. I don't know."

"......sigh. I want to have a very long vacation,Jasper. Somewhere quiet."

"That might be no where but your death bed, your highness."


"I want to eat meat."

Zenzur looks at the disatisfied Dustin.
He lose a lot of weight since serving the demon King but he is looking more youthful and healthy than before.
When Zenzur told him to prepare tree root he thought they will eat tree roots for real but it is not the same tree root he expected. It is not soft but has a juicy flavor on it. The tree is called Moonlight Tree because its leaves shone despite being surrounded by black and dark miasma.
You don't need to uproot the whole tree just to get its root. From the main tree take three steps and dug the soil. Because of miasma the soil around are soft and easy to dug. Dug just a small bit and you will find a root that shines in the black soil. Cut diagonally and then you have a tree root that is demon's favorite food.

"If you want meat then we will get some fish." Zenzur that is making a huge farm land behind their majestic mansion is wearing a straw hat and a worn out farmer clothes.
Day in and out this demon King will look so happy with the seedlings growing inches by inches.

Demon King Is a Loyal Wife of The Human Knight Commander (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now