Chapter 11: Contender

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Song recommendation: Hands by Mac Miller "And I, I bet you wish you hadn't ate, 'Cause carrying this weight'll break your glass knees"

The art gallery was everything Sage imagined and beyond. It was garden themed, so a lot of expensive flowers and plants were used as props and decorations. She was excited that the opening to the gallery finally arrived because for once she was a part of something important to her. She knew she was a step closer to her own dreams the moment her and Mrs. Paisley decided to collaborate.

Her palms were clammy and her mind was racing with a whole bunch of what ifs about showing Dave this side to her, but she internalized the panic. At least she thought she did. Dave noticed how on edge she was when she started tapping her feet on the ground. He wasn't sure if it was because of his presence or not but he wanted to help calm her.

He never knew she was a photographer until she mentioned it in passing one day and then eventually invited him to the art gallery event. For Sage, it was natural to suppress her talent because of her father. He hated the thought of her wasting time when she could be focusing on studies he deemed more important to her future. Mr. Baglio was sure she was ruining her life the more she tried to venture out into the art world. Either way, Dave was excited to hear about her passion and her future plans. He could listen to her talk about what she loves all day which made him like her even more.

The pair was taking their time and gazing at the scenery and the art of each section as they were getting closer to her own work. Surprisingly, Dave was enjoying himself sipping his wine and taking mental notes of certain pieces.

"Sage!" Ella called out excitedly. Her eyes landed on her best friend making her way towards them, trailing behind her was their friend Frankie. She was a short blond girl with blue eyes and a preppy personality. The three go way back to preschool days and would occasionally hang out.

Dave looked up and immediately recognized Ella, she's all Aubrey talked about but they had never formally met. Sage let go of his hand and ran into the hug her best friend was motioning for. "Ugh, this is all so dope!" Sage gushed pulling back from the hug.

"I'm so proud!" She declared.

"Girl, c'mere and give me a hug too. Haven't seen you in ages!" Frankie laughed as she pulled Sage into a firm hug.

"Yes! Thank you so much for coming to support me." She was truly grateful for all of the support, she wouldn't be as confident without it.

"And you're the boy stealing my best friend from me?" Ella interrogated turning to the tall tatted man beside Sage. Dave chuckled as Ella flashed him a playful grin and held out her hand.

"Yo gimme a hug since you her sis and all." He replied pulling her in for a little side hug. The group laughed as they got into conversation.

"By the way, everything is set up for later," Ella said suddenly. Frankie nodded her head in confirmation.

Sage mouthed a small thank you knowing exactly what they were alluding to. She had planned a candle lit dinner on the roof of the building as it had a beautiful view and the chef cooking for them was the best in the city. Dave was always taking Sage out on dates or buying thoughtful gifts he knew she'd truly enjoy so she wanted to be the one with the surprise this time.

Dave looked at the three of them and raised an eyebrow but he didn't question it.There was a reason she didn't tell him and usually he didn't like surprises but if it was from his baby girl then it was an exception. Everything was better from her.

"Alright, we're outta here!" Frankie declared. The gallery was actually clearing out since it was already past the closing time. After exchanging their goodbyes, Ella and Frankie left the couple by themselves again.

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