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Dad had me running errands for him after hockey practice Monday night. He probably saw this as some type of punishment for me disappearing, but I honestly didn't mind it too much.

Christmas was in three days and Dad and Mindy were never the type to get everything we needed all at once. They would probably be sending me out every day until Christmas to pick up food we needed for the holiday.

It was also the night that our mandatory family time was starting so I was trying to prolong the shopping for as long as I could.

It wasn't until I saw Wren standing in front of the cake mixes that I wanted to get out of the store as soon as possible. I even tried backing out of the aisle as quietly as I could but my damn cart betrayed me with its squeaky wheel. Wren turned to look at me with a box of cake mix in his hand and an amused expression.

"Elijah," he said in a smooth tone. "It's nice to see you again."

"Yeah, you too," I lied with a sigh.

Wren chuckled, obviously seeing right through me.

"I saw that Fox had spent the night with you," he told me.

So we were getting right to the important matters.


"Did you tell him?" Wren asked.

He didn't have to be specific for me to know what he was talking about. But Wren wasn't stupid, he knew I hadn't told Fox anything. I could tell by the smug look on his face.

"You would know if I did," I replied, moving over against the shelves so someone could get by.

"You're right, I would," Wren responded. "I just can't quite figure out why you haven't."

I hadn't because it felt like Wren had some weird ulterior motive with having me be the one to inform Fox that his brother knew his secret. But I wouldn't tell him that.

"If you want him to know, tell him yourself," I said in a bored tone.

Wren laughed. "You don't know Fox that well, do you?"

I tried not to take offense to that.

"It wouldn't go over well if he heard it from me," Wren continued, an arrogant smile on his face. "He's a bit hot-headed, but I'm sure you know that."

I hated hearing Wren speak that way about him.

"You know, maybe he wouldn't be so hot-headed if you told him yourself and showed him you actually give a fuck about him," I spat, not being able to stop myself.

Wren pondered on my words for a few moments, that stupid smile still occupying his face.

"Well, we've got ourselves in a predicament, Elijah," he said.


"Well, if I tell him and he finds out that you kept it from him, what would he do?"

He was trying to unsettle me, I knew that much. Fox wasn't lying when he said his brother thought he was so smart. He was cunning and he undoubtedly was used to manipulating people into getting what he wanted.

"He wouldn't hate me," I said in a hard tone. He would never hate me.

Wren nodded. "Maybe you're right."

We both turned to look at Robin as he came down the aisle with a friendly grin. He was the one that reminded me most of their parents, kind and welcoming.

"Hey, Elijah right?" Robin asked, bumping into Wren with his cart.

I nodded, giving him a small smile.

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