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6 - sex ed is topical right now

my dad wanted me to be called ella and my mum wanted me to be called arabella. so they compromised and that's why i'm arabella.

but i shortened it ever since mum died, because no one else called me arabella. and it hurts to hear it from someone else's tongue.

except stanley's.

it's weird. i feel closer to him when he calls me by my actual name. he only uses the privilege when we're alone, on account for his promise. it's like our little secret, aswell as his backne.

ever since our make out session in his bedroom last week, we've been sneaking off to places where we can do it again. what can i say? he's a really good kisser. he's like my drug and i'm his.

we haven't put labels on anything, we don't wanna rush that. and we haven't actually had sex yet. stanley says we'll know when the time's right and i agree.

i'm sat in mr file's sex ed class, which couldn't be more topical. when he's talking about the female arousal, i spy stanley making notes which makes me laugh.

in front of me is bradley, who's snickering away at something to do with a penis. when mr file stops talking, his hand raises in a slow fashion.

"from my experience, mr file, the holding of an erection is far more successful in the hands of a homo sapien female" he says. i'm behind him and can tell he's got his hands crossed together with his smug smile, trying to impress everyone in the room.

"very funny, mr lewis" mr file responds, his voice draining and monotone like a robot.

"just talkin' science" bradley says. i can hear the smirk in his voice. i'm not very outspoken in public, but even now i'd want to put him in his place. but i stop myself with a thousand thoughts.

"moving on.."

to my left is syd. she's bored out of her mind, until ricky and bradley turn around in their seats and make comments.

"ah, come on, fire-crouch. laugh, that was funny" ricky snidely says. he then gives bradley a handshake for them achieving peak dickhead.

"fuck sake" i mutter under my breath at their testosterone competition. unfortunately, ricky hears this and i become his next target.

"what was that, frigid?" he growls at me. bradley turns to watch as i don't so much break a sweat. i'm all chill. "think you're so badass teasing everyone, me? brad and dina said we'd make a good couple but frankly, you're too much of a priss. you've never even been touched by a guy, have you?"

"come one, lay off" bradley interjects and continues to whisper. "she's dina's friend."

"so's syd, you didn't do anything about that" i say quietly, but this gains the attention of syd. she looks confused and as if she wants to be left outta this. shit, great going ella.

bradley thinks about this for almost a minute, his small brain taking extra long to figure out the facts. "sorry, syd" he says. the sincerity in his voice is non existent as the boys turn back around a make dumb gestures.

"thanks" syd whispers "i didn't really care much, but thanks."

i smile back at her until the bell goes and class is finally dismissed. mr file asks me to stay behind quickly so i do as i'm told.

"miss dawson, i do not tolerate students talking in my lesson. you're a bright kid and i don't want you falling behind. don't let me catch you again or it's detention." i nod and exit the room to be met with stanley waiting behind for me.

"what was that about?" he asks, holding onto his faded green side bag. i like the cardigan he's wearing, it's yellow like his car. his lip's almost healed aswell which makes me happy.

"i shouldn't talk while he teaches. or it's detention" i mimick his voice and point my finger.

"oh huh ho!" stanley applauds me as we walk down the hall side by side. "that's my bad girl."

"ew, gross stan" i laugh as he slings his arm around my shoulders. we make it out of the hallway and outside to the parking lot, where stanley parks his car.

i'm about to hop in, but dina's voice catches my attention. "hey, ella!" she waves at me. she's with syd as they both smile towards me. "wanna join us at fiddles diner?"

i don't wanna intrude. syd looks like she wants to spend time with just dina, so i politely decline. "it's okay, i've got homework to do."

as the two skip off down the street, i shut the door and bring my seatbelt across my body. stanley sits smirking at me. "what?"

"am i homework?" he asks, with his awkward smile. i shove his shoulder as he starts the car. this boy.

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