10 - Torture

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"Mom, what are you doing?!" Lorenzo shrieks as he witnesses his mother guiding Max outside.

"He's not staying here. Take him somewhere else!" She yells, pointing her index finger at Max.

"Mom, you can't do this! Max is staying."

"No. He is not!"

"He is!"

"Is not!"

* * *
That was two hours ago. Now Valentina is sitting in the living room with Max sleeping by her feet as she pets him.

"You're right. It's not that bad," she tells Lorenzo

"See, I told you." Lorenzo grins.

I place Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalez's coffees and go back to the kitchen. The last place I want to be is in the living room where Lorenzo is present. I don't know how I am going to live in this house with him in it. Not only that but also Sarah is coming soon and I don't know what to expect. She is Sophia's twin, but I don't know if it's a stereotype or not, but I feel that twins are opposites when it comes to their personalities.

The sound of my phone ringing takes me out of my thoughts. I look at the caller ID and Charlotte's name appears on the screen. Charlotte is my childhood friend and ex-neighbor. She moved twenty-minutes away, so it was harder for us to meet a lot like before, especially with my work here.

"Hi!" Her cheerful voice blares through the phone, making me cringe at the loud noise.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I am good, and you?"

"Not bad."

"I have missed you, Val! How are they treating you? Better than your witchy mother?"

Charlotte knows about my mother's psychotic episodes. She knows everything about what happened and she have always told me to move out, but she knew I couldn't leave my father alone. Why I did it now? A once in a lifetime opportunity. Plus, I was afraid they would fire me if I didn't move.

"They have been treating me very good. Better than my mother," I reply, earning a relieved sigh. "Now tell me about you, how is Daniel treating you?"

"Ahhh, Valeria. He is amazing!" She moans.

"Now, now, don't make those sounds. I already feel disgusted."

"Don't be like that. You know what I mean."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I have to go."

"Okay, call me soon!"

With that, I hang up. I sit on the counter and swing my legs against it. I feel bored and sit like that for an hour before Max runs inside the kitchen and growls at me.

"What did I do?" I gasp, kneeling to his level.

He starts barking and I laugh. "You are right, Lorenzo is stupid." Admittedly, I said the last part in a whisper, but to my luck, Lorenzo heard.

"Stupid, ha."

I stand and look up only to see him standing behind the counter with a scowl on his face. He starts walking our way and I take a few steps back, hoping he'd stop marching my way. But sadly, he keeps walking until my back hit the wall.

Déjà vu washes over me as I remember the last time he was here with his hands around my arms. He raises his hand and I immediately flinch, waiting for the pain to come, but it never does.

I open my eyes only to see him organizing his hair, looking at me with a pained expression.

"I wasn't going to hurt you," he says with a frown.

"And how would I know?" I ask.

"Valeria, I already told you how sorry I am for what I did."

"You think saying sorry solves everything?"

"To me, yes because I never say sorry," he replies, making me raise my eyebrows in disbelief.

I scoff.

"What should I do to make you forgive me, ha?"

I glare at him and say, "You can leave me alone."

I go to my room and sit on my bed trying to process what happened. He is acting weird and not the arrogant Lorenzo I first met. I just hope he's not planning on something.

* * * *


I drive to the warehouse after receiving a call from Sam. He told me that he and Johnny caught the men who attacked us and they are in the cell.

I still don't get how they managed to disable the alarm because only the bodyguard who is stationed by the gate could do that, but he was down when the men entered. They shot him and killed him.

I park my car and stroll inside, not greeting anyone because I am in a hurry. I go to the basement, where the cells are, and look for Sam and Johnny.

"Enzo! We are here." The guys call for me after I passed by them, not seeing them.

"Hey, where are they?" I ask.

"In cell five. By the way, don't get your hands bloody. Your father just called and told us that all of us need to be at home at 9PM because your uncles and cousin are coming," Johnny say.

"Why do they have to come today?" I huff, not liking that I need to stop my work for them.

"Just go inside man and don't use knives!" Sam tells me.

I decide to listen to him and go inside cell five. Three men are chained to the chair, looking messed up.

I am happy that Sam and Johnny didn't wait for me to do the beating.

"Nice to see you again, fellas." I say, gaining their attention. Their wide eyes could only tell me one thing and that is they absolutely don't know what the fuck they got themselves into, or, they know exactly what the fuck they got themselves into.

Either way, they are screwed.

"I will start off easy," I say as I pick up one of my favorite knives. I know the guys told me not to do anything stupid like this, but what's the harm in scaring them with it? "Who do you work for?"

No one talks.

"I will be extra kind and ask you again, who the fuck do you work for!" I yell the second half of my sentence.

No one says anything.

"Well, you wanted this," I say, raising the knife upwards and acting as if I will stab one of the guy's legs.

"Wait, wait!" The man who was about to get stabbed says. "Look, man, I swear, we were hired by a lady but she didn't give us a name. She said that you have a lot of money and we agreed to split it! We didn't know who you were!"

"And you expect me to believe you?" I chuckle.

"I swear! Please..." he pleads like a pussy.

"What's her name?" I ask.

"We don't know!" Another guys says, making me grin.

"Well, then," I say and this time, I stab the guy in his thigh.

His screams fill the room, making the other two guys shake. One vomited, and the other fell unconscious, probably from fear.

Well...they didn't like pussies when they attacked my house.

Do I look that scary?

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