A full circle of love...

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A person chooses what guides their life. What gives their life purpose. What matters the most. Fame, money, success, fortune... But what if one could stop for a moment and face oneself with full honesty. What then would one admit that matters the most? Material things and earthly possessions? Or would the answer be that which lays in one's heart? A true love that never swayed, a parent's guiding embrace, a child's laughter bellowing in one's ears, or the heartbeat of the beloved beating to the rhythm of one's content heart?

The nightmares that Can used to have of Sanem and their lost love were long gone. Those sleepless nights filled with indecision, frustration, and heartache after his accident that resulted in loss of his memory when he tried his best to remember Sanem were long gone as well. Now his nights were a moment of time when he held Sanem in his arms and his heart counted the heartbeats left until the morning. And each night before he drifted off to sleep he thanked his Fate for bringing them back together. Against all odds. Against all those who plotted against them. Because they were together. They were a family, and a family of five. It still felt like the last five years of his life passed by as if in the blink of an eye. His five year old children were growing at the speed of light, even faster if someone would have asked him. And he could not have been more proud. Or more content...

He was a man who planned his life. Or, rather, preferred to plan it. Truth be told, when it came to Sanem, planning his next move was as beneficial as contemplating last decade's snowfall, but still, he chose to think of the future rather than reminisce about the past. There were nights, though, he had to admit, that the thoughts of the past would come back to haunt him. And such a night usually came right before his birthday. The night before his birthday was a night he always dreaded. That evening he would always keep quiet and chose to spend it at home with his children and his beloved Sanem. He would hold them close, read them stories from their favorite children's books he had written alongside Sanem, and would tell them stories of hope filled with tales of the Ministry of Wishes of Fishes. He would also reach for and read Sanem's second book, "Two Birds of a Feather", about a tale of beloveds who fought for their love and their dreams to be together again...

This night was no different. His birthday was tomorrow, and he was restless. Sanem knew such nights haunted him, and she made sure to let him know how much she loved him. They had gone through so much, together and apart, and no one else understood the bond between their hearts and souls. Though they were different from each other, it was those differences that completed their love. She was loud, he chose to keep quiet. She was a ball of energy happily bouncing off the walls, he knew how to calm that energy and harness her joy. Her ideas came a mile a minute so that she had a hard time keeping up with them, and he gladly sat back until she had her say, and provided the final decision in all aspects of their life. Even when it came to raising their children. Especially, when it came to their children. It still baffled him how much he loved being a father. A father... And a father of three. If that wasn't a fate's repayment for his past sorrows, he would not know what was...

As their children slept peacefully in their bedrooms, Sanem brewed her special homemade çay and brought a cup of it for him to their bedroom. He knew such frivolous gestures were never allowed in their Aydin-Divit household, so when she opted to bring him çay to the bedroom, it mattered - a lot. As they sat down in bed and leaned against the pillows spread alongside the headboard, Sanem embraced him and let him sip on the çay while he read her second book. This book of hers was his favorite, out of the seven she had written so far. He used to joke that when it came to her talented hands, once that cup of writing tipped, there was no stopping those words from flowing. And, happily, she could not agree more. The love that she felt for Can filled her Divit Pen with an endless supply of literary inspiration. Added to that was the fact that he, too, began to lend a hand in her books, and even published his own photography book on the mysteries and significance of wildlife and exotic birds in secluded places. They both had come to be known as a pair of world renowed authors.

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