Chapter Eight

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(Word Count: 1302)

Harper half expected some meteor to come crashing into their city or for traffic to be built up for miles or some emergency she would have to tend to, but there was none. Nothing was keeping her from seeing James that night with the exception of a long call with her mother, who told her what dresses didn't become her and how her hair looked so much prettier when it was down. 

Despite the unwanted advice, Harper took it, wearing the black dress her mother loved and wearing her hair in soft curls that fell just below her shoulders. When James answered his door for her, he still looked like he'd been to hell and back that day, but even on his worst day, he looked better than most on their best. 

"Wasn't sure if you'd make it," he said in a quiet tone before opening the door open further. 

Harper took the invitation and walked through, brushing her body against his despite there being more than enough room to pass. As she did, her eyes locked onto his with the deepest of meaning. She wasn't a seductress by any means and mostly allowed the guy to take the reins, but James brought out a different side of her and Harper wanted him to see that. From their experience in her parents bathroom, he knew she wasn't all sugar and spice, but little reminders couldn't hurt. 

An arm wrapped around her waist and James pulled her against him, taking her mouth without any trace of hesitance despite the trials they'd faced. As he continued kissing her, James shifted her further into his apartment and kicked the door closed and Harper gave into him completely. 

Every moment shared with him over the last few days, no matter how small or sexy, she'd waited for her entire adult life and then some. Whenever James held her like this, kissed her like this, all the problems they faced slipped away into nothingness. 

By the time the kiss ended, but his arms were around her and Harper's lips were curved up into a grin. Her eyes found his instantly, looking back at her with more love than she could ever expect or hope for. He truly was beautiful in absolutely, positively every aspect.

"Hey." His voice came out quiet and soft, like a warm blanket cloaking her body from the woes of the rest of the world. 


"You hungry?" he asked, taking one hand away from her waist to wipe a strand of hair from her face. 

Though Harper only had half a sandwich about six hours ago, food was the last thing on her mind this time around. Despite that, the apartment was filled with the scent of garlic and rosemary, and it was clear he'd put the time in to make their second date special. "Depends. How good are you in the kitchen?"

It certainly smelled like he was. Harper had always taken James for a takeout kind of guy and she was ashamed to admit that in all the years she knew him, Harper never had him cook for her. She'd been to him and Layla's house a few times for dinner, but her sister had cooked those times since James often worked later than her. They'd had dinner together a countless amount of times, but not with James in the kitchen. 

James gave her body a tight squeeze and flashed her that perfect smile. "Let's just say I was the only one out of all of you that said 'yes' when your mom offered cooking lessons."

She kicked herself for that now. Her mom had tried to teach her all sorts of things that she blew off, and often wished she hadn't. But Harper figured that's the way it often went with family. You didn't realize how good you had it or how many things you could really learn from your parents until you were out on your own. 

Before Harper could answer, her cell phone rang in her purse and James had to release her to answer it. Seeing her mom on the screen, she pressed 'accept' and brought it up to her ear. 

"What's up?"

"What's up is that Layla is back home and wants a family dinner tomorrow night," her mom replied. "She wants everyone to be there."

By the sound of her mom's voice, she understood how awkward things would be. Harper had already spoken with her earlier that day and admitted that her and James would be in it for the long haul and would likely be telling Layla about them during Sunday dinner. Though she still could technically wait until then, Harper didn't want to be stuck under the same roof as her sister and have to act as if she hadn't betrayed her.

Harper looked over at James, who was standing only two feet away, smile gone and arms crossed in front of his chest. "Okay."

"Apparently she has some news she wants to share with everyone."

"Do you think my news will trump her news?"

"Let's hope so," her mom responded. "That would certainly take some of the sting out. But I don't think it would be a good idea to bring James along. I love him like he were my own, but I think it would just make everything harder and more confusing for her."

Harper couldn't help but agree. Not only was it something she felt she had to do on her own, but if James was there for an impromptu dinner rather than just the usual Sunday night dinner, there'd be enough red flags to fill the neighborhood. 

"You're right," Harper said after a few moments of silence. "Yeah. Okay. Dinner tomorrow night."

"See you then. And good luck, honey."

"Thanks. Bye." 

Harper disconnected the call and dropped her phone back into her purse. 

"Dinner tomorrow night?" James asked.

"Layla has some news she wants to share with the family," Harper explained. "I know you wanted to be there when I told her, but I can't lie to her for a whole night and pretend nothing's going on."

James looked at her for a good long time before finally nodding his agreement. "I wanted to be there for you so you wouldn't have to go it alone, but I get it."

Harper wrapped her arms around his torso and looked up at him. "I won't be alone. But if it makes you feel any better, I'll come over after it's done."

A hint of a smile graced his lips before he pressed them against her forehead. "Sounds like a plan."

There was one other thing. Although she'd been able to think about little else over the last couple of days, Harper felt like the betrayal would seem like a smaller one if she could honestly say they were still in the early stages of a relationship. "And as much as I would love to have my way with you tonight, I think we should hold off until I tell her."

It even hurt to say, but Harper knew in her heart it was the right thing. If Layla asked questions, she could answer them honestly. If she threw out accusations, she could deny them truthfully. Her sister's heart would be broken either way, but Harper wanted to limit the pieces she would have to put together afterwards once the smoke cleared. 

Taking things slower with James was the exact opposite speed Harper wanted to take, but it was the speed she needed to make things even a fraction easier on Layla.

"I'm okay with that," James said as his smile broadened. 

Harper followed him into the kitchen, looking at the the array of food he'd made, wondering how she got so damn lucky. 

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