Forza di un uomo

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Percy stood up from his study table. The room is getting hot, he thought. He was sweating profusely. He takes off his clothes, revealing a pale white chest and semi-muscular arms.

He went downstairs to drink water. He's panting. "Oh," he said excitingly. "we're about to go and smell it again."

He stopped sweating. He took a large breath of fresh air, and smiled. He put his light thoughts aside and focused on the heavy ones.

Now, in all black, his mask reflecting the darkness, he took one step outside. No neighbors to suspect him. In the first place, he doesn't even have neighbors. Just fully-furnished houses without people. -because he brutally murdered them.

He went to the basement to choose a weapon to use on this night. He smelled each one of them. "This smells quite sugary," he licks the handle of the taser gun.

His fingers ran through his long collection of terrible weapons to use. In this way he'd be unpredictable. He made his way out of that torture chamber and walked down the street.

Pretty normal. He covered himself with a hood, started to jog in the middle of the night. He feels the evening breeze, he closes his eyes.

He made his way to the downtown area. Brightly lit, he chose to blend through the dark alleys. He found the backdoor of a large restaurant.

He slowly opened the door and there revealed a kitchen filled with busy sheep dressed in white. He did not hesitate.

"Hey, who the fuck is this? Delivery guy? No? Fuck off! Get out." The master chef, dressed in a maroon distinction from the others pushed Percy.

Percy grabbed his jaws, took a grip on his teeth and kicked him. It broke his mouth, hanging like butchered meat. The loud clanging attracted attention to him. And as they saw the master chef, they were shocked.

"No one goes out and asks for help. Or you all will die." One guy jumped, ran outside the kitchen and yelled for "Help!"

Knowing how this city works, the police won't come immediately. Percy thought. He grabbed himself a butcher knife.

Percy locked the door behind him and worked his way to the front kitchen door. And then he started his bloodthirsting.

He swiped the butchering knife to their necks, faces, backs, legs, anything. Their white work attire has now been stained with blood as it runs through their helpless bodies. One was too brave to fight, tried to stab Percy back. His luck wouldn't las that long as Percy grips his neck, and as he opened his mouth, grabbed his tongue and pressed the taser gun on it.

He can hear Percy chuckling as steam formed from the burning moisture on his tongue. He was in immense pain. And he died a painful death, stabbed in his lungs by his colleague. Percy used him as his shield.

It was a massacre inside. No one had a chance to scream. Percy was everywhere.

Blood was what he wanted. And seeing the kitchen floor fill itself with its thick texture was his kind of therapeutic.

Sirens came now. "These fuckers are always too late!" He said excitingly, as if challenging them. He went outside to meet them. To the tables he went, they shot on him. But he was crafty. Banging the glasses with bundled forks to make an excruciating sound.

He hid below the crimson tables and tased their legs, pulling them below and slitting their throats. One tried to help the other, got his eyes sliced. Percy swiped the knife horizontally on his eyes.

They all layed down on the floor dead. They were not able to call back up. Percy was too fast.

Their radio devices rang like hell broke loose. Percy answered one. "It's all fine here, chief. They're all dead." The people at the police department shivered. They all hurried to Police Head Leaf and Pandorra to relay the information. They have made a terrible mistake.

It's safe to say that he succeeded as he walks over the bodies on his way to the back door of the kitchen.

30 minutes after the massacre went headline

Mr. Leaf went on his way to the Mayor's mansion, -he meant the city hall. He rushed inside, with complete photographs and details of the massacre. There was a very big gap on Percy's actions,

He didn't check the security cameras

"Mayor, have you read the news?" The mayor chuckled. "Knife-bearing fucker I'd kill him with this shotgun. Isn't it majestic?" He caressed his fingers on his gun, and pointed it on Mr. Leaf. "No I'm just kidding. But what were you doing? The police came in late."

"No one called us immediately. We're sorry, Mayor."

"Just call me Wilbur. Richard, we'll address this immediately. I'm calling Swordtail tomorrow." Mr. Leaf nods.

"And one thing Richard, make sure my cartel's running smoothly. I'm doing this for your reputation, don't fucking mess this up."

Death. Is Just Forever Sleep. [Completed]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat