Chapter 34

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Turns out, I had nothing to worry about. Liam even called me ridiculous for being worried about telling him! Rude!...but a little true.

"I know it's not what we planned. The timing sucks and we've only known each other for a few months, but that's normal for mates. I already knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with you, Ember. So why not get started on building our family?" He had said this and then got on his knees and kissed my stomach.

"I will love you and this baby with everything in me. I will always protect you two. And it's future siblings," he says with a wink up at me. I pulled him up off the ground and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you too" I tell him, putting my face in his neck as his arms wrap around my waist. We stayed like this for a long while, until there was a banging on our door. It was then that we remembered what Jason had told us right before I told Liam about the baby.

"Dammit" Liam says. I sigh and pull away from him.

"Let's get this over with"


Twenty minutes later we were once again seated in the meeting room. The Alphas, and Betas and my mother only.

The message this time was simply a letter. Addressed to My Sweetling... what a stupid pet name, honestly. It doesn't even roll off the tongue easily. I'm not afraid of this guy anymore, and now his antics just annoy me.

He can't hurt me anymore. My pack is well trained, and well guarded. When we fought against him to get my mother, we greatly reduced his forces. The rogues that followed him were mostly all killed, and those that lived most likely ran away. Cowards.

I struggle to remember that I was a rogue once too. Not all of them are bad, but it's hard to remember my sweet and caring family as rogues. Even most of my pack members were rogues once, besides the ones that joined once they met their mates in my pack.

Anyways, back to the letter. Besides his usual threats and pictures to remind me of my time being captured by him, there wasn't much.

You can keep your whore of a mother, I don't need her. I only kept her because my pack needed maid and she was easy to control. It's you who I want back, Darling. And I WILL have you.

At this Liam growled and pulled me into him, growling MINE both out loud and in our mind link.

Only yours. I remind him. I'm surprised he hasn't lost it. Alpha males are always super possessive, and he's had someone threatening to take me away since we first met. Many Alphas would've locked me away forever, but he knows I'd just break out and kick his ass for trying.

Jk jk.......(but I'm serious)

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