The form

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1 year later...

Lola had finally finished filling out the form when it turned midnight. It wasn't an easy decision to make but it was one which had to be done. Her life had turned for the worst in the last year and the desire to start overfilled her sense. It overrode any thoughts about the future on this planet with any other people.

The loneliness that she felt every day was all-consuming and dark. She never knew silence could be so deafening; sinking to her bones every waking minute. The moment she woke up to the minute she fell asleep it was always at the back of the mind. Sometimes it would scream to her that she was lonely. So sickeningly lonely. She had a cat but it left and never came back - just like her boyfriend. Her family had moved to France but they rarely called. It was like they had forgotten her number completely. Lola had left her friends in a whirl of arguments and heated words which left a gaping wound in their already cracked friendship.

So to cut the story short, life wasn't exactly peachy. That's why the idea of starting again seemed so tempting to her. There as no strings, no qualms to her previous life that could plague her. And she would be in space, what could be greater?

But when laid awake at night, thinking about it, her mind would cloud over with anxiety and confusion. She would always do this - second guess herself. For hours she would convince her mind that it was the right thing to do. Lola could only go up from the ditch she had dug herself, but her conscience managed to drag her back down to Earth. Literally. 

This isn't moving to another country or a county, this was moving to space with Aliens for god sake! 


But she had signed up. That was final.

She had been promised security, friendship and a trip to space with a designated Alien mate. Lola wasn't completely stupid. She knew that it was called a breeding program for a reason, a reason which at some point or another she would have to do. But starting a family up in the cosmos away from her miserable, solitude existence on Earth seemed fair. She had nothing to stay for stuck in her flat. Her job was a dead-end anyway, her landlord would love to see her leave - in her mind, it made sense. And that's all that counted.

Lola had completely given up on trying to carve something out of her nonexistent life a long time ago. In fact, she had cared so little that she willingly took the form she was given. 

She so desperately wanted excitement that she ached for it. Tears would form when she knew just how bleak everything had become recently, space seemed the way to stop those tears.

Lola couldn't be the only one wanting to do this. There had to be others, surely.

She would find out soon anyway as the form told her to arrive at the designated pick up zone tomorrow at 6 am sharp. Her bags had already been packed and the last bill paid to her landlord -  she was set.

Sorry, this chapter is short. More exciting things to happen next chapter - I promise. 

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