Chapter 20: Mine.

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Willow had once read a webcomic in which the male lead was a Vampire. The protagonist of that webtoon had described the feeling of being bitten by the male lead Vampire as 'bliss'. It was all rainbows and roses and unicorns flying.

Then why does Rowan's bite hurt so much?

She had also read somewhere that Vampire bats were actually a thing and that they drank blood. But when the bat bites into the skin the one who is being bitten would feel nothing. Was Rowans bite some reverse physiology?

Willow bit her lip in order to avoid groaning, she stilled and the fact that she felt numb all over except for her neck didn't help. She could do nothing but focus on the fans that were buried in her neck and listen to her heart which seemed to have moved to her head and was beating a bit too loudly.

Willow could take it no more. "Rowan." She groaned. "Let go."

Rowan instead of doing what he was told to do, pulled her tighter, someone seems to be asking for a spanking. Willow wanted to weep badly. After all, she was named after the weeping willow.

"Rowan stop!"

Rowan growled in return.

Willow wanted to sigh dramatically, but the distance between them didn't let her, the distance being nothing, nor did the pain on her neck allow her to do anything else but put all her artention on the boy in front of her.

Seconds passed like hours till Willow felt faint. She was sure that she will lose consciousness any moment now.

Fainting twice with not long interval between them was a bit too much embarrassment for Willow. She wished she could bury herself deep or find out that she has been dreaming instead of fainting.

No! She had to stop this. Taking what ever air she could she yelled in her parent tone. "Rowan Kingson! Stop this racket the very moment or else face the consequences."

Rowan paused, Willow sighed. But before she could take the second breath Rowan flipped her over so that she was lying on the bed and he on top of her and then he continued with his sucking. But he had lessened the speed at which he was previously going. This time he was slightly gentler.

But it didn't make much difference to Willow, but it would if he would completely stop sucking her blood out. She liked her blood very much and would like to keep it to herself.

Willow groaned at the pain. Did Rowan's family not ask her to call for help?

"Can someone help?" Willow yelled with all her might.

Maybe she heard shuffling outside or maybe she didn't, she wasn't sure but after a long moment the door slowly opened.

Willow heard a loud gasp. They were probably wondering how Rowan broke free but before they could come in and question on it, Rowan stiffened, he raised his head to look behind him.

Rowan bared his bloody fangs at them.

"Listen to me Rowan, let her go." Said Rowan's mother.

Rowan glared at her as he pulled Willow closer to him, if that was even possible. "Mine!" Growled Rowan.

Horror struck Willow. His? His to eat? His personal blood bank? Sorry boss, but I'd like to pass this opportunity!

Willow pleadingly looked at Rowan's Mother. Save me her face said.

Rowan's mother stepped forward but before she could get in the door shut right on her face.

Her face.

Willow snapped her gaze to Rowan who had stretched his arm, but they were too far from the door for him to shut it while straddling Willow.

The word telekinesis popped in Willows head followed by eleven. The one who does strange things. She was afraid that the Russians would come and take Rowan away.

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