Chapter 3: The Sister

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Xavier was running in the forest on all four when he was expecting something to come and attack him. He did not like the voice of his mother when she was telling him something was wrong with his sister.

Please be okay, please be okay! He prayed as he was running through the forest of Paphos which was full of pine trees and the grass was green as always. He slowed down when he was inside their territory that was claimed by the Shadow Pack long ago during the Running.

That's what they called for the Special Greeks to get away from the slaughtering of their heads.

Xavier was panting when he was coming to a slow jog as he was looking at the house that was built by his father for his wife. It was a symbol of love but he knows a lot that the late Beta did not love his wife.

He just saw her as his breeding machine and that's it.

Xavier was shaking his brown fur before he was shrinking back the bones into his body. It cracked before he was kneeling on his knees and hands, naked as he was born, in front of the house that he called home.

"Oh, thank god you're here, my love," his mother was calling after him when Xavier just put up his black pants that were supposed to be around the house for their owners to fetch when they finished transforming.

Xavier greeted his mother with a kiss on her forehead before she was guiding him inside the house. The house was spacious with less furniture as his father did not like clutter. And his mother did not mind the sparse space between them.

It was good for her, she said to him one time. No more of those suffering images of her husband to haunt her.

"Mama, what's going on? What happened? Where's Diana?" he said before his mother was ushering him inside the house through the main door. The living room consisted of only the fireplace and a set of couches that were circling one coffee table. There was a rug underneath it and that was pretty much it.

"Mama, you scare me. Where is Diana?" he asked her before his mother sighed as she was leading him to the couch. Xavier took the seat before his mother was sitting next to him. She turned to look at him before she took his hands into hers.

"Do not be mad but your sister has run away from home," she said calmly before Xavier stood up from the couch.

"WHAT!! Mama, how could you let her go like that?!" he said before he was trying to reach out to everyone that was supposed to be making sure the warrior of the pack, his sister, was safe. But it was not reacting the way Xavier wanted it to be. He grimaced.

"Will you calm down and listen to me, my love? No, I did not stop her because she had found her true love. Diana has found her mate," she said before Xavier was turning sharply at her. He blinked as if trying to make sure that he was hearing this right.

"Do you mean—as you know this—why are you not telling me this before I came home?" he asked his mother before Mrs. Marchand was sighing.

"It has been going on for some time now. I know that Diana will never be agreed to marry Caleb Andino and I have suspected that she was the one that was keeping a secret from your father. She wanted to tell us that she had found her true mate but your father would never agree to it.

"And now that she's gone, I think it is not a good thing from spearing those love to be apart. Besides," his mother said before she was sniffing him, Xavier tensed. "I think you have something to tell me as well, young Mr. Marchand," his mother said with an arched eyebrow. Xavier cursed under his breath before he was rubbing his mouth.

"No, Mama, I don't have anything else to tell you. I told you, I don't have any secret," he said before a certain blondie with blue eyes was appearing in his mind.

Beta's Bride (Shadow Pack II)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora