A prayer for Ireland (song)

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Move throughout this land

With a mighty hand,

May you reign from shore to shore;

And your enemies

Fall beneath Your feet

Once more.

And within Your Church

May we love You much,

May we glorify your Name;

Lord, move once more  

As you’ve done before;

Come and visit our land once again.

For so many years

We have lived with tears,

We had borne the death and pain;

And blood has spilled,

And the graves have filled


And again.

And our children cry

Must it be this way?

Must we live forever bound?

Lord, break our chains,

Set us free again;

Only in You can an answer be found.

And the world looks on,

Shake their heads in scorn,

For they see no hope at all;

As we proudly parade

Another brick is laid

In the wall.

And the guilt is ours

And the shame is ours,

The suspicion, fear and hate;

We don’t hear Your call

‘Cause we know it all,

But we’re leaving it all much too late.

Move throughout this land

With a mighty hand,

May You reign from shore to shore;

And Your enemies

Fall beneath your feet

Once more.

And within your church

May we love You much,

May we glorify your Name;

Lord, move once more

As you’ve done before;

Come and visit our land once again.

Raymond McCullough

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