Release Date

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I haven't slept in two mutha fuckin days. Nerves are all fucked up, but that's not the reason. We are at war with some mutha fuckin snakes. Some of them bitches you can see, and some are slithering through the units ready to stick you. Me I have a big ass target on my back. That beautiful Astro star with the Skyline through it! And we are at war, smash on site any one with a snake tattooed on them, horns that are not broken or anyone coming at you ready to kill you! Me I am here sharpening my shank because tonight I am not fixing to die! " Homeboy, what's good? We clear?" Stomach is turning because we just got word that one of those snakes is a couple cells down, and he knows we know. So as soon as they pop these doors, there goes our freedom because we are going to smash this bitch! If he dies fuck it, " better him then me." Oh shit we can here the guards coming and they are coming fast. They go straight to that snakes cell. He is catching out!!!!!!! " Oh Bitch ass I yell through the cell" He just dodged death and me, Iam going home in the morning, freedoms is only a couple of hour's away.
Vega, get your shit together you are next. I must of passed out, tired as fuck and thinking I was about to loose my freedoms on my release date. Welcome to my life. I'll never forget what was the C.O 's last words were to me " don't look back Vega or you will be back " I thought he meant don't look back at the walls when I was released, so I took off running, never looking back. My older brother Jay Jay was picking me up and when I saw him and gave him a hug and hurried him up to get the fuck up out of Huntsville,Tx. The drive home to me was a surreal event. I never thought I see this day. From my past being so fucked up, I always thought something was going to come and bite me in the ass. But not today as Iam riding home I call my moms, my backbone. I hear her voice and a tear come down my face. I am free.....................                                   

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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