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Isn't it lovely, all alone?

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone

Tear me to pieces, skin to bone

Hello, welcome home

~Lovely by Billie Eilish ft. Khalid


After indulging herself in the pleasures of her obligations as Queen, she requested Iris to evaluate the reports that were submitted. The only report that was missing was Zeus'. Essentially, he was always busy with formulating his womanizing schemes with mortals, leaving her to heed to every task that must be accomplished. No doubt he was with his new play toy. Mátia's visions showed her his newest lady conquest. She was going to request if he could speak to the cloud nymphs regarding the current weather, but she held herself back knowing that she is competent enough to address the situation with the cloud nymphs, after all, those creatures are also part of her domain.

"I trust you with the summary of the reports, Iris," Hera informed her when she was assisting her mistress with her gear. For now, she has horseback riding with her brother, Poseidon. It was one of the pastimes she attained alongside him.

"Yes, my Lady. I'll be sure to finish them shortly." She handed her over her daggers and her bow and arrow.

They were walking down towards the stables where Poseidon should be waiting for her.

As a matter of fact, her brother is waiting for her with his very own black stallion, Zael. He was certainly dressed up for the occasion but there was a lack of the equipment on his part, in comparison to what Hera brought. "You brought them, again?"

"It's for my personal training, Lord Poseidon." Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and retained a passive look on her face when her brother started acting childish by pouting. Though the Queen won't verbally admit, her brother will always have a soft spot in her despite portraying the icy and bitter façade. "Quit the silly act."

"You are aware that you don't need training." Poseidon pointed out. The goddess of marriage was, undoubtedly, the best female combatant and warrior of all the deities, surpassing the Titaness and Titans, and the instructor of the younger generation.

"Let me enjoy these lustful pleasures of mine, brother. Besides, with this, the horseback riding would be less boring as it is." She climbed up her stallion, Regie, and held onto the reins. "Come on."

They rode around the vast lands and the forest of Olympus where the Heavenly Lake was located. These woods we're Hera's training ground whenever she would ride alongside her brother. There were targets for her weapons and obstacles that she placed in their path. There are times that Poseidon would simply ride along but at this moment, he was vigorously complaining. But he can never get mad at Hera for simply enjoying it. Rarely does he see her lips slightly curved into a genuine smile.

Hera saw one of her targets. So, she proceeded on taking her daggers out of her compartments and aimed for the middle. This time, she did not rely on the air's density as she could easily manipulate it. She eyed her mark and threw the daggers toward the targets. As always, x marks the spot.

"That was quite impressive." He applauded her. They went around the lake as she brought her bow and arrows out to shoot at the intended targets. While doing so, Poseidon conversed with her nonstop. "What was the tension between you and brother Hades in the Throne room all about?"

Hera's eyes narrowed as she pulled her arm back along with the arrow. "You are treading a dangerous path, Poseidon. You are aware that we haven't been on good terms lately."

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