Forest spirits

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When he opened his eyes, he found himself sleeping in a large room, where there were many warriors in their respective beds, as exhausted as he was after the battle of the previous day. He smiled for being alive, for all of them being alive.

Allowing himself to laze around, he checked his stats. He had risen to level 68, and had improved the affinity of some skills and spells. Rock Fortress had risen to 7 by using it only twice, though it's also true that it had blocked hundreds of attacks. The most surprising thing was that Impregnable had leveled up by 2, which showed how terrible was the power of the spell he had managed to block, and how magical was the skill.

He had unlocked Swordbreaker, a hammer skill that causes damage reduction against your enemies by down to 50% at level 10, and 200% increase against their weapons or armor. It wast at 6.

The spell was Iceball, analogous to Fireball but with less damage and slowing down the enemy, as well as causing them to experience some cold. He had it at 8.

Throughout the day, there were some patrols but no expeditions. Everyone needed a break, more mental than physical. Well, maybe not all of them. The giants made quite the scene while facing one by one the pangu, in a friendly competition of pure brute force. It proved to be slightly stronger, maybe because it was 1 to 2 levels above them.

Eldi received some arrows, potions, and even a spear, refusing to accept any more, as they needed them there in the camp as well.

He spent the entire day talking and saying goodbye to his friends and colleagues, in addition to having to do a demonstration of Rock Fortress and some other spells and skills. In fact, in the end, with the collaboration of almost everyone, they ended up holding a striking exhibition. Not a few took note of what skills and spells they were interested in mastering.

His intention was to leave the next day, and his first destination was a village located in an area whose level was approximately 67, and where there was a leather platform. After that, he intended to go visiting other nearby villages, for their respective crafting platforms. He wanted to create level 70 gear, and retrieve some level 65 weapons, plus potions. If he got materials, he would also start with equipment level 75.

These were the places he could go without straying too far from his destination, the area that the Oracle had advised him to go. After that, he intended to head to Misitu Mji. After asking about a repair anvil, and even drawing it, he had discovered that there was something similar in the capital of the elven kingdom. And there was also a message that had been waiting for him for more than fifty years, and about which he was very curious.

Some had been surprised that he had collected all the shattered weapons he had loaned, somewhat disbelieved at the possibility that they could be repaired, and surprised to discover that he also possessed various crafting skills. Without a doubt, he had many resources.

"Don't you feel like someone is watching us?" Eldi asked.

He had left in the morning with a group of elves. These were following the same route as he, since they had to visit the same towns to re-supply weapons and other equipment to their allies, since many had been destroyed in the last battle. And, soon after leaving, the feeling of being watched had returned, the same one that had disappeared near the corrupted area.

"Yes, they are forest spirits. They seem more active than usual, but there is nothing to worry about. They are harmless. Somewhat mischievous, but harmless," explained Deranlín, an elf archer.

"Forest spirits?"

"They are creatures that few can see, and only with these can they interact. They watch over the forest, or, rather, play in it" the elf woman laughed.

At that moment, there was a subtle change in those strange presences. Some seemed funny. Others slightly outraged. As if they had heard what the elf had said. Neither she nor the others flinched at the change, other than a slight smile. They seemed used to the presence of these intangible beings.

Eldi was thoughtful for a while. They weren't talked about in the game. The only mention of something similar came from Goldmi, who claimed to have ever seen something like fairies. Also, she had a title or related passive skill, which nobody knew very well what it was for. He wondered if it had any relationship with those spirits, but soon forgot about it. Even if it were, he had no use for it.

"Welcome," an elf with gray hair and numerous wrinkles greeted them when they reached the village.

"Grandpa...!" Galdomor, one of the elves, hugged him.

Then, he introduced Eldi, since the others were already old acquaintances. It was far from the first time they had been there.

"I must thank you for your help, on my behalf and on behalf of my people," the old man greeted again to a somewhat embarrassed high human.

His companions had not only presented him, but had given all kinds of details about the battle and his contributions. And about the intention to use the magic platform, and his willingness to share his knowledge.

It should be said that they provided level 75 materials, not only for his own needs, but to share with him as many recipes as possible. Thus, the elf people gained knowledge that could be useful to them now or in the future, while Eldi also gained new recipes, some of which were especially useful there. Perhaps, the equipment he could craft with them was somewhat less resistant, but also lighter. And, above all, he only needed the ingredients that the nearby areas could provide.

Eldi's intention was to continue on the journey in the afternoon, but that couldn't be. It became impossible for him to refuse a small party to celebrate the safe return of their people. He may have been in a hurry to level up and come back to his family, but it also did him good to relax a little.

And there were a couple of young elves women who were interested in the hero of the moment and in his feats. But it didn't develop beyond innocent flirtation, partly because the visitor was only friendly, and never showed any signs of wanting to go further. And partly because, to establish more intimate relationships, elves usually require considerably more time. In fact, it was more a teenager's admiration for a famous singer than a deeper attraction.

Furthermore, upon observing their guest, some of the more experienced elves suspected that someone was already in the human's heart. Their experience allowed them to recognize his lost looks or sighs.

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