Chapter 6

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_Chapter 6_

Elliot Warren

I was currently on my way out of the classroom like everyone else when suddenly there was a man standing at the door, revealing himself as the principal when I read the name tag with the imprint Hanson. "Mr. Warren? May I talk to you for a moment?"

"Um yeah sure," I nodded with that same confused look that my classmates wore on their faces as they passed by. I ended up following the principle to his office, looking like I caused something bad when in reality I don't even know what he wanted to see me for.

"Mr. Hanson? If I'm allowed to ask, what do you want to talk to me about?" I wondered once we arrived.

"It was decided that you would be put in care of Mr. Martinez. You are quite smart, composed and well-behaved, a perfect candidate for it since Martinez is rather the complete opposite. I actually wanted to talk to you earlier but I decided to just wait things out and observe how everything will develop. And indeed, I must admit that things around him got more quiet. He isn't seeking fights with the teachers anymore."

He went to pour himself some coffee when he offered me a cup, too which I politely declined.

"Although I can't guarantee that his relationship with his school mates will stay as quiet as it is now. I can clearly see the animosity lingering in their eyes. No wonder, after what he did this time. I assume you already heard about it?"

I wanted to go and call him off for condemning Ricky and his friends for false accusation but I knew I couldn't. "I did." So, I kept quiet.

"I'm aware you are probably the one who suffers the most from his reckless actions by putting up with him. I owe you my sincerest apology and gratitude for it. Whenever you can't put up with him or he is not treating you right, don't hesitate to tell your parents or contact me. I also ordered the teacher to watch him a little."

I didn't feel like admitting to him that our relation ship was not the greatest and it's development was still a bit bumpy. Because for some reason I couldn't stand him talking ill behind Ricky's back in front of me. No one was allowed to do that. Uh, well no one but Me.

"Don't worry, sir," I put on a professional smile and waved it away. "It's going well. He's doing pretty good for the fact that he apparently never showed responsibility like that before."

"Oh really?" He widened his eyes, not believing me instantly. What a prick. I really didn't want to be on his 'hold-a-grudge-against'-list, seeing as he seemed to be that type of guy who would back up any kind of cunning schemes to force you to your knees. "Well that is really surprising," he crossed his hand behind his back and dangled around the room. "Please, help keeping him out of trouble, would you?"

"I'm afraid, I can't promise that. As surprising that may sound, but it is not him looking for trouble, it's more like the trouble is waiting for him. I can do my best but I won't assure you it will be enough." Not that telling him would make him realize where the problem really lays.

Putting a cover over a problem doesn't solve it. Ricky may be the center of it but I don't believe that his overall bad temper or behavior is the source of the issue. I believe it's the opposite actually. Meaning the source is what causes his non-stop boiling temper.

"What are you trying to say?" He frowned. "Maybe cut down his basketball practice? I already thought about that. Perhaps that will give Martinez the wake up call."

I sighed in frustration and nearly gave myself a face-palm in front of him. Why doesn't he comprehend that that would trigger him off to the uncontrollable? I even think that the fear of cutting off his practice is part of him keeping his shit together.

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