Chapter 12

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I've been a little busy so I wasn't able to update quickly.
Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter.


"Hello, people of the world! I know you missed me. But it's just been 2 weeks of no gossip! It's Aladeen here though and I'm here with the beautiful Jasmine! Okay so we are lying. You guys already know our names. But today it's Aladdin theme! Drum roll..."

Amira was bored in the hospital room. So she had decided to check YouTube for any information on Karim. It wasn't right, she could just ask him. But she did not see herself getting everything from him and she was really curious.

The girl supposedly called Jasmine continued.

"So subscribe to our channel for more juicy information. That cute read button with the words subscribe. Yes. That one. So let's get gossiping."

"Today, we are going to be talking about the handsome crown prince of our beloved country. Abdul Karim. First son of the much more handsome King Abdul Malik Tawfiq. I'm so in love with that man!" Jasmine screamed I'm delight.

"Jasmine, you are supposed to love me. Not your king who is married. Forget this ungrateful Jasmine. We all know that our King is somewhat the most handsome guy on the planet! It actually hurts my manly ego to say that. But it's amazing to have the most handsome king in the world. Well his first son isn't far from that target. He's still young and what but he's as good looking as his father. "

" You have to see him smile. "

They showed a picture of Karim smiling so wide with two girls who were also smiling as wide.

"So this picture was taken last two years at the inauguration of one of yet his parents foundation. They have about a million already! We get it rich royals, you are kind! And the girls are his sisters. Beautiful aren't they? They one on his right is his adopted sister... We are not supposed to say that. King's orders....His sister, Sheikha Habiba. And the other is his younger sister, Sheikha Daneen A'ad."

" More personal issues. Did you know he did not know he was actually royal until about a decade ago? Yes. His mother, another beautiful woman. Very very beautiful. That family is just blessed with the right genes... I'm getting of track. His mother, Sheikha Naima, our Queen. She was just a normal woman like my Jasmine here. No royal background. She didn't even live here. But I'm sure every one remembers the story of the runaway prince. Yes King Tawfiq left the country when he was pretty young. As early as 17! He was away for more than 10 years! According to very credible sources who are close to the family, he was in America all the time. That's where Sheikha Naima must have bewitched him to stay married to just her. "

"I'm positive that's what happened to our King. He's bewitched by her beauty. So far he's the only King in history to be married to just one wife. Sheikha Naima is the wearer of the Mouawad L'incomparable Diamond Necklace! That necklace is the most expensive necklace and it lies in her closet almost every day because it's just so heavy to be wearing all day. "

They showed a picture of what looked like Karim's mother. She was wearing a wedding gown. And the king was clasping the necklace around her neck.

"That was just an official wedding for his people to know who she was.
So our prince was supposedly born in America! Yes! I'm mind blown too! And from dig deep in, Sheikha Daneen A'ad was born in The UK! Such a weird family."

They showed a picture of what looked like a birth certificate with Daneen's name written on it. The birth certificate was of English origin.

" It's only my cute little twins who were actually born here. Did I forget to tell you that our Queen is a twin? Yes. She is. Her twin is equally as famous. He is the CEO of Klay Enterprises. Yes the actual Klay Enterprise. So she is also rich in her own way. The Crown prince Karim is next in line to be king and from the way his father ascended the throne before the former king actually died, I won't be surprised if he becomes king tomorrow. Well it seems Karim is a bit of introvert though. He's only spotted on special occasions but never just in town. But if you do catch him outside he's probably with his former best friend now wife! I know! I was just as shocked when I heard the news. They are married now and expecting soon. Congrats to them. Karim is known to be one of the best students at TRS. Their golden boy. Handsome and surprisingly very smart....

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