Chapter 4: Long Way Down

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Chapter 4: long way down

"Oh God."

I turn to look at Tyler who's sprawled out on the living room floor, hands over his eyes as if he's staring directly into the sun when in reality, I have all the curtains closed and the lights dimmed.

"Morning sunshine."

"Stop yelling." He whines, rolling over on his stomach and pulling the small throw over his head. It's not that big so his feet are peaking out from underneath. I watch Hunter crawl over and grab on to Tyler's feet which causes the latter to jolt, knocking Hunter over. I expect him to start crying but the brown headed rascal just starts laughing and pulls himself up, a little wobbly, and grabs his fathers foot again.

"Leave your father alone, bubba." I say, scooping him up and tickling his sides. "He's hungover."

"Don't tell him that!"

"He's one and a half, Tyler. He doesn't understand." I shrug. "Clara on the other hand..."

Tyler sits up so fast he must get dizzy because he falls back with a groan. "You told her I was hungover?"

"No you idiot," I tell him, settling Hunter in his highchair and pouring a generous serving of cereal puffs on the table. It ought to keep him occupied for five minutes. I turn back to Tyler who's standing up and rubbing his temples. I absolutely hate that even though his hair is stuck off, there are bags under his eyes and he's still wearing yesterdays clothes, he still looks good. I know I've been staring at him too long when he raises an eyebrow and smirks. He starts walking towards me so I slowly start backing up.

"I told her we were watching a movie and you fell asleep." I say, trying not to trip while he continues to stalk me. "She then proceeded to ask why I didn't carry you upstairs as if she expected me to drag two-hundred pounds of dead weight up two flights of stairs." I know I'm rambling but he's looking a me like I'm something to devour and I'm supposed to be angry at him.

"Did she believe you?"

"No, she's almost fourteen. She's not an idiot." I scoff. "She thinks we had a fight and I made you sleep on the couch."

"Is that so?" He asks and I realize he now has me caged in between him and the counter. "if we had an argument, maybe we can make up?"

I let him lift me onto the counter but push him away when he leans in. "Tempting, but there is currently a toddler trying to climb out of his chair and you smell terrible."

"I don't-" he begins but then sniffs his shirt and looks at me in confusion. "why do I smell like febreze?"

"Clara wanted to hug you before she left but you smelt like vodka because you went out last night and got wasted and didn't come home until almost three in the morning so being the only adult in this house, I sprayed some febreze fabric freshener on you." I hop down off the counter and pat his cheek. "Don't worry, it was non-toxic."

. . .

"So you're really not going to ask him who she is?" Maddie asks, sipping her iced tea. I made the terrible mistake of telling her about the text from Savannah and now she won't leave me alone.

"I did."

She scoffs. "Yeah, when he was totally wasted. It doesn't count."

"It does! People tell the truth when they are drunk. And he did. She's an old friend."

"Old friend my ass." She mutters, waving the waiter down and ordering another muffin. I raise a brow and point to her plate that is full of crumbs from three other muffins plus an egg and bacon sandwich and hash browns.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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