Chapter 41

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Tanvi's P.O.V.

When I was fully awake, I realised that the I was the only one on the bed and he was missing. Maybe he's gone to take a shower. My suspicions were clearly when the bathroom door opened and steam came out of the door and then walked my husband looking even more hot with the steam in the background.

"Cue to drooling", my inner voice said. Oh I must agree, I was a drool worthy sight.

I got control of myself and turned around and looked outside to find it that there was snowfall. I squealed loudly and ran off to the window and pulled the curtains open and just watched the snow fall. And just then, as expected he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder.

Since when did he become so mushy mushy? Not that I'm complaining but still...

"You always loved see snow falls", he mumbled unconsciously. I just hummed and stared outside letting the cold wind tickle my skin. After I finally came to my sense and realised that he stood behind me in nothing but a towel, I squealed and quickly took some dress and went to take a shower.

As usual, I started cussing one again as I stared at the piece of clothing she's packet for me. It was a one piece that ended just above my knees and underneath I was provided with some stockings which would do nothing to protect the cold. I came out of the shower and immediately put on my jacket.

"You're mine too baby", he said cheekily and I just grumbled underneath by breath as I glared at him.

On the front side of the dress, just as I had something printed on theirs, Sonia also had written something. It read, "only Arjuns' " with a heart. That sneaky little human, she knew I would wear a jacket and that's why she purposely made it in a way so that the print was on the front side.

I put on some ankle length boots and then we both left the room to meet the others where Sonia even though she wanted to smirk she couldn't because, payback is a bitch. She wore something that she didn't like and I wore something that will freeze me to death by the end of the day.


Finally after going around the place, we were back. My teeth clattered as I shivered. My legs shook from the cold. Sonia was laughing at my situation while I glared daggers. Natasha laughed at me as well, along with the others.

Once we were inside the warm buffet area, I finally sat on a chair, cross legged and put a warm shawl over my legs to help ease the shivering. I told Arjun to get me food because I barely had any strength to walk now.

When everyone came back with plates full, we all just dug in. Even though I was still shivering, I drank the warm soup and ate some warm food. After I finished eating, I just leaned my head against the chair.

One of the many things I loved about this family was the thing that the in-laws were really open. They didn't judge or stop they're daughter-in-laws from doing anything. I mean they trust us enough to know that we'll only do the right thing. I mean while Sonia and Roshan acted cutely, mom and dad teased them and laughed along. It was fun.

I think I dozed off a little because I woke up with a jerk when I heard the chair move against the floor.

"Wait here, we'll go together", Arjun said as he kissed my forehead and took the plates away.

When he returned, he put one arm around my shoulder and gently pulled me on my feet and then with an arm around my waist we walked towards the lift where the others were already waiting for it.

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