Chapter 11: I can't believe it

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He didn't know what to say about himself. As soon as he saw De Ming crying in pain, fury instantly took over him. He stormed into the field, his veins pulsing and his eyes bloodshot. Thank god De Ming had calmed him down, his big eyes looked at him with so much concern or he would have almost killed the other man. After he was done with all of this, he will for sure punish Li Da Wei with 100 beatings, the more he suffered the better.
The young man was carried all the way to the infirmary. There was no doctor in the room today. Lan Xi Chen gently settled him down on the mattress, before going through the drawers to search for bandages. Jin Guang Yao sat silently on the mattress, raising up his robes to see his legs. "Shit." He mumbled. It was worst than he thought. That bread-slapping bastard messed him up pretty badly.

There were purple and black bruises on his calf and shin, some skin tears where blood oozed out from. Are any of his bones broken? He tried to swing his legs only to burst out an 'ah!'. "That was a bad idea..." he thought.

"Don't move!"

Lan Xi Chen scolded as he knelt down in front of him, putting a box of bandages and medicine on the side. Soaking a piece of cotton with alcohol, he carefully dabbed the cotton on the young man's leg wounds. Beads of sweat forming on his head as he was so focused with the procedure.

"Why are you treating me this way...?"

Jin Guang Yao asked. He has been wondering about it since a long time ago. This man did everything to help him, offered him a new job, tutored him in his studies and stood up for him not long ago. He was not use to kindness at all. Now that they were all alone, he decided to take this chance to ask him.

Lan Xi Chen smiled. "What do you think? Why do I treat you this way?" Jin Guang Yao knitted his eyebrows. "I-I'm asking you the question! Don't ask me!!!" He pouts, glancing to the side. "I don't deserve your kindness, Zewujun."

"...Why?" The tall man questioned.

"There was a friend I had, we were like brothers...yet I betrayed his trust."

Lan Xi Chen froze.

"When I disappeared from his life, he thought it was his fault. He was burdened with guilt, worrying all his family and friends."

He felt his eyes sting, his hands trembling. Lan Xi Chen was staring at him, his face was complex.

"I-I don't want him to feel guilty anymore. I want to tell him that, he didn't do anything wrong. It was all my fault not his."

"Chen De Ming, you..." Lan Xi Chen leaned closer to him.

The young man in front of him took a deep breath, shutting his eyes.

"I'm Jin Guang Yao." He admitted.

When he opened his eyes to see the other's reaction, Lan Xi Chen pounced on him, wrapping his arms around him into his warm embrace. What!? Why is he???

"Finally, you told me," Lan Xi Chen whispered softly. "I missed you so much," he added. Jin Guang Yao's heart skipped a beat."Y-you already know?"

"I saw your handwriting on the test paper. I instantly knew it was you because I use to see you write all the time. The characters are small and neat, I can distinguish it from others easily. And there's no way anyone can remember 2000 rules in one day, unless they have photographic memory- the only person who could do that is you, A-Yao."

Doesn't that mean I was basically calling for it? I was exposing my real identity unintentionally just like that? Jin Guang Yao felt slightly upset with himself. He had underestimated the Gusu Lan Sect leader.

The Gusu Lan Sect Leader is in love with a Farmer? [XiYao ff] CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang