Chapter 9: Big Little Lies

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If there was something that the Queen of Breoch excelled at - other than over-taxing her citizens - it was throwing a lavish, overly-expensive ball. Braithe mulled over this as she was doing her best to dodge as many of her would-be suitors as possible. Naturally, her mother hadn't wasted the opportunity, but had invited every eligible bachelor in the area. The ball was in Aurelian's honour, but her mother was not beyond squashing two imps with one stone.

The great hall was excessively - extravagantly, according to her mother - decorated in summer colours. Silken streamers in a multitude of colours hung artfully along the walls and across the vaulted ceiling, while blooms native to the northern kingdoms filled vases and troughs. The large chandeliers had all of their hundreds of candles lit, and candelabras had been placed strategically throughout the hall. Wouldn't it be such a shame if one of them fell over and lit the fabrics on fire...

"Ah, there you are!" Her mother's voice interrupted the appealing thought, forcing her to step out from behind the large pot of flowers where she'd been attempting to hide.

"Mother," she said in greeting, realising to her dismay that the Sheriff of Ossol was by the queen's side.

"Your Highness," the Sheriff said with a bow. "It is, as always, a pleasure to see you."

"Sheriff," Braithe nodded towards him. "You honour me." You disgust me. The words might be what she wanted to say, but it wouldn't do to insult the city's sheriff.

"May I have this dance?" He smiled, and she supposed that had his personality not been that of a soul-sucking ghoul, one might have found him handsome with his black hair, short beard and brown eyes. There was not a drop of noble blood in his veins, but his aspirations were high, and her parents indulged him to some extent. As he was the man in charge of collecting the taxes, they needed him on their side, and he was only too happy to comply. The harsh enforcements of tax collection were mainly his ideas. The man had no conscience.

The Queen gave Braithe an encouraging nod, and she sighed inwardly before smiling blandly at the smarmy man. "Of course, Sheriff."

He took her hand and led her out to where other couples were already dancing. She had to restrain herself from pulling her hand back. Even his touch felt distasteful. Placing his other hand at her waist, the sheriff led her through the steps of the dance, stepping on her toes now and then without even realising or apologising. As he tried to make polite conversation, Braithe attempted to answer neutrally, while her eyes swept over the other dancing couples.

She found Baudwin dancing with Lyssa, and a little further away was Aurelian, dancing with a pretty, young blonde. The daughter of one of the Breoch noble families. A stab of what she was sure was not jealousy poked at her. She didn't like him anyway. Even if he did look great without a shirt on. Her cheeks heated at the memory of him wearing only trousers the night before when she'd visited him in his chambers. It was probably a good thing her face had been covered, because she suspected that she'd been staring, mouth agape.

"Princess? I'm sorry I did not mean to embarrass you," the Sheriff exclaimed, though he looked rather pleased with himself.

"Oh, it's nothing," she murmured, while wondering what he'd said to think she was blushing for him.

Fortunately, the dance ended, so she made an excuse and hurried to the refreshment table to grab a glass of punch. Pilfering two cheese chunks, she pondered if she could save some food to bring to the poorest citizens later. There was definitely more than needed for the ball. It was a waste.

"Your Highness."

A shiver of pleasure travelled down to the pit of her stomach at the sound of the deep voice. Oh, this was ridiculous. She turned her head slightly to smile at Aurelian who had come up to stand beside her.

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