Chapter 5

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As i was getting ready to go to bed , someone knocked on the door. I opened only to be faced with Ace. "Hey!".
"Hey are you okay?.
"Yeah am fine Ace thanks for asking".we talked for a little bit then he left and i fell into a troubled sleep.
The next morning i had woken up early because as the usual i had my dreams and the previous ordeal really did a number on me, now my dreams are even worse. In the bathroom as i was washing myself i looked at the mirror.
Well lets say i wasn't the most prettiest site to see. My hair was messy and i had dark circles in my eyes from the lack of sleep. I just shook my head and got cleaned up and went downstairs to fix the boys some breakfast. I had found out that the nice lady doesn't actually live here but comes and works during the day and leaves.
As i was cooking she had just arrived."ooh hey!"
"Morning Mia how are you doing"
"Great !"
"Well then let me get to cleaning since you're making the breakfast and thank you by the way"
" no worries i love making breakfast" then she left to get on with the cleaning.

The boys came in the kitchen and were pretty excited over the breakfast i had made since i had made bacon and eggs with some pancakes. Tyler was really loving the pancakes but the mood of the room changed when the guy from yesterday came in the kitchen. he looked at me for a while then ignored me. he took a seat and started to dig in . this was pretty awkward for me so i stood in the process of escaping i heard "where are you going".

i sighed and turned towards him"am leaving since am not feeling so well".

"ooh well you looked fine when i came here why the sudden rush huh".i looked at Ace pleading for help here since i needed to get away from this situation. Ace thankfully got the message i was sending to him and he said"leave her alone king she said she is not feeling so well so let her be". right that moment i left the kitchen and headed for my room. the whole day i had spent it in my room strictly trying to avoid king if that's his name anyway.

it was in the evening i decided to come out of my room and on the way towards the kitchen i met Ace"hey i was on my way to your room to call you for dinner good thing your already coming". i smiled and said "i was hungry anyway so lets go".

Before going in to kitchen i asked Ace if he was there and he assured me that he was gone for the whole day and hadn't come back yet . i relaxed and we went in the kitchen. just as i sat Tyler laid his hand on my shoulder and as the usual started flirting with me and making more lame jokes and it seriously lightened my sour mood . Bryce was talking to Nate while as usual Ace sat there looking carefully at me. i didn't mind him staring at me but Tyler noticed and decided to taunt him " hey for once if you like someone have the decency of telling her and not keep on staring at her ". But unaffected by the comment Ace just scoffed and finished his dinner and left but not before telling me goodnight.

I too for once was pretty tired so i bade the a goodnight then left to my room and changed to my pajamas slept.

Octavius' POV

I spent the whole day taking care of my shipments and when i was done i went straight home. i strode to the kitchen so i could heat something for me to eat and wow! Amy makes the most delicious chicken curry. as i was going to my room i heard screams and they were coming from that girls room. i rushed and opened the door but the i wasn't prepared for the scene before me. she was having a nightmare.

i rushed to her side and tried to shake her awake since she was screaming and tears were streaming down her cheeks. The state of her face pulled strings in my heart since she looked almost broken and my instincts were telling me this was no ordinary nightmare something must have happen to her for her to be like this . i tried again to shake her awake and she responded. her eyes sprang open and went around scanning the room as if trying to convince her self it was just a dream then they fell on me. she let go of me and pushed herself to the side.

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