Chapter 4: Ignorant, Bloody Russians

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You and Jill stepped out the door and headed down a set of stairs, a long hallway ahead. You saw Carlos way ahead who ran into the open subway car, and thought for a moment before speaking.

"Last one there gets to talk to whoever is inside." You said but before you could start running, Jill already knew your plan. 

You gasped a little with sarcasm and ran full speed down the hallway. And just as Jill was about to reach the door you passed her, flying by on your feet. You stopped yourself quite quickly so you didn't go head first into the wall and turned around. She slowly stopped herself as well, looking down at you.

"That was impressive, I didn't think you would catch up that quick." She said, looking slightly shocked.

You nodded as a thank you before speaking, 

"Same with you, it was close. But now you have to do the talking." You said, smirking slightly afterwards.

Jill rolled her eyes playfully as she walked inside, you following in tow.

As you walked in, you saw Carlos and an old guy- who looks to be a leader of some kind.

"Hey captain, these people could really use our help." Carlos said, confirming your suspicions.

The captain looked over at the both of you, who now stood in front of him.

"Carlos, you didn't even ask for the peoples names?" Russian....what's he doing in the U.S.?

Carlos faced away, knowing it was his own fault for forgetting basic human acknowledgement.

The man continued, "The tall lady is an elite operative of R.P.D. Special Tactics and Rescue Service. Her name is....Something...Valentine."

You looked over at Jill, wondering how this man knew her. She hadn't referred to him by a name since they walked in. But without question, she states her identity.

"Its Jill." She said simply, and the man looked at you.

You froze in place, as if standing in the spotlight. Your heartbeat quickened, did he know you too? Was he gonna say something about your family?

That's when he spoke, the moment you were concerned about.

"Who might this child be?" He asked, as another way to get your name.

You finally spoke up, your nerves trying to keep up with your brain "Its Y/N."

You said as you and Jill both had a seat in front of the captain.

"Nice to meet you both. I am U.B.C.S. Platoon Leader Mikhail Victor. My team was sent here to rescue civilia-" Mikhail was cut off by him grunting in pain. You looked to see a gash in side, plus more cuts on his arms. Jill spoke up after a moment of silence.

"Right, and how's that going for ya?" She asked, pushing past the fact he was slowly dying, and accidentally made it obvious.

"The city is completely cut off. Isolated. Most of the hundred thousand civilians will wind up dead. Ah, correction: Undead. My platoon has suffered serious losses. Just keeping them alive is ore than I can manage." Mikhail explained.

"Well you can thank your corporate overlords for that." She said, throwing back the guilt for his leaders- Umbrella.

"Yes, well....We are doing all we can. If we can get this subway train moving...we can evacuate some survivors. But we need help. My men cannot do this alone."

You and Jill looked at each other, thinking the same thing. You nodded a little as a sign of agreement.

"Alright, we're in. But we're on their side, not yours." Jill said, standing up with fire in her voice.

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