Chapter 9

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Pressing the call button, you waited for Ivy to pick up. She answered on the first ring, and her face was full of fury. You set your phone on the coffee table so you could use your hands to sign. You had discovered as a kid that video chatting was a lot easier than texting. You could sign much faster than you could type and you didn't need emojis to show your feelings. Thus, Skype had been your best friend when it came to communication.

"Y/N!" she screamed loud enough for Namjoon to step into the living room to see what was happening. You waved him away and turned back to your friend.

"Ivy, I'm sorry. Let me explain," you signed quickly, before she could continue yelling.

"No, Y/N. I will let you explain after I'm done telling you how freaking worried I was! I left you so many missed calls and texts! Would it hurt to send me a quick 'Hey, I'm not dead. No need to call my parents or anything.' It doesn't even take that long to type!"

"You called my parents?" you signed, realizing how worried they must be.

"Of course I did! You were missing for hours and I had no way to contact you! For all I knew, you could be dead or dying or kidnapped! I promised your parents I would take care of you the same you promised mine that you'd take care of me. Do you know how hard it was for me to call your mother and tell her that you were missing?"

"I'm sorry Ivy. I totally forgot."

"I know you are. And I'm really happy you're not dead, but when you didn't show up for lunch I thought-"

"It's okay. I'm okay. Better than okay, really," you signed.

"That's good. Where are you anyway? It looks like a hotel room. And what are you wearing? Are those men's clothes? Y/N, you didn't-" she started accusingly.

"No! No, why does everyone think that?!" you signed and then covered your blushing face with your hands.

"Because it looks exactly like that. Now spill. I need to know everything," Ivy said, leaning in close to the camera.

"Well, it kind of all started after I texted you. I was at that cafe. The one we really like. And I stood up to get my coffee in a to go cup when someone bumped into me and said 'What the fuck?' so I kind of dropped the cup and ran away and then he came after me to see if I was okay and-"

"Y/N, slow down. I can't understand you when you're signing so fast," Ivy interrupted.

"Ivy, I met my soulmate. And you'll never guess who it is," you signed happily.

"Are you serious? Because if you're not, then that's just cruel. I'm so happy for you! You're almost completely forgiven for ditching! Who is it? Are they hot? Are they older than you? Did you know them already? Wait, of course you don't. That's stupid. Do they know sign language?" Ivy rambled on a list of questions and you giggled at her enthusiasm.

"Slow down friend. We only just met today, and yes he is hot. Yes, he's older than me. No, he doesn't know sign language. I can't tell you who it is yet because I don't even know if this is going to work out, but I promise you'll meet him soon," you answered. She seemed satisfied with that, though mildly disappointed at not being able to stalk him on the internet without his name.

"So why are you wearing his clothes? And does he live in a hotel?"

"My clothes got soaked in coffee and rain, so he let me borrow some. And he's staying in a hotel for now before he goes home."

"Wait, so he doesn't live here? Y/N, you just got a job here and you have a life here. Are you going to move away?" It hadn't occurred to you until then that Yoongi was going to go back to Seoul soon. Were you going to move?

"I don't know yet. Like I said, I don't even know if it's going to work out," you reassured her.

"Okay. I had something I needed to tell you when you got home today, but I'll have to tell you this way. Y/N, I got a really good job offer. It's in Seoul. And I'm going to take it. I didn't want to tell you this way, but I'll be moving out in a few months. So if you have to choose between staying and going, don't let me keep you back because I won't be here long." Well this worked out swimmingly.

"Ivy, this guy lives in Seoul. We could still be roommates." You clapped your hands in glee at how everything was coming together. "I need to go now. We're eating dinner. Maybe you can come by tomorrow and meet him?" you offered. She agreed and you hung up.

Putting your phone back in your pocket, you noticed Namjoon standing by the door watching. "I know sign language, too," he signed to you. His hands were a little clumsy and he'd accidently said bulldozer instead of sign, but you got the gist of it.

"That's amazing! I was getting a little tired of writing all the time," you signed back, making sure to sign slowly since he was clearly still learning.

"I realized. I was hoping you would be able to help me learn, maybe? I know I'm not very good," he said. You nodded and he grinned.

You went back to the table as Namjoon explained to the guys why you had left.

"Is it okay if I let my best friend come to pick me up tomorrow? You can trust her. She's never spilled a single secret. I trust her with my life." Namjoon was hesitant, but through some persisting he agreed and you texted the hotel address to Ivy.

The rest of the night went smoothly, full of easy banter and jokes. You forced Jin to let you help with the dishes and then sat in the living room playing video games with Jungkook and Taehyung. Jimin and Hoseok told you about all of Yoongi's most embarrassing moments as Yoongi kept complaining his annoying dongsaengs.

It was far too late to let you go home, so the guys insisted on you staying at the hotel. Yoongi's room had two beds, so you each took one and you fell into a deep blissful sleep.

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