Chapter 88

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"Yo, Carter!"

I turn my head at the sound of Octavia Blake's voice carrying across the camp, a slightly stunned expression on my face as she walks towards me. It's been a while since Octavia and I actually spoke to one another.

"What's up?"

"Clarke, Finn and some kid Myles are missing," she tells me, holding out a gun to me. "We're going out to find them."

"Finn's missing?" I stand up immediately and take the gun from her, it's heavy weight straining my arm. "Lead the way."

I follow Octavia over the camp gates and almost stop dead in my tracks when I see Bellamy and Raven congregating there along with Monty. Bellamy eyes the gun in my hands but before he has a chance to say anything I walk past him and out of the gate, heading in a direction I can only hope is right.

It isn't long before someone falls into step beside me and I turn my head to see Octavia.

"They both wanted you to come, they just didn't have the balls to ask you themselves," she whispers to me, and I turn around to see Raven not that far behind us, with the boys veering off in slightly different directions.

I snort comically but don't respond and instead bring the gun up to my chest, ready to fire if need be, and strain my eyes to see against the dark woods surrounding us.

We all take slow, careful steps in case of any Grounders waiting to attack us, which in my opinion, is what we're gonna get.

"Finn's a tracker," I whisper with a small shake of my head, "there's no way he could just...get lost. He's smarter than that."

"You think Grounders took them?" Raven asks. I don't reply, which is an answer in itself.

"Where are they?" Raven says after a while.

"We'll find them," Octavia says.

"I thought you said you were heading West? Where are you?" Monty's voice reaches my ears through a walkie-talkie Raven built using parts from the crashed exodus ship and her radio.

"Just keep the moon on you're left and you'll find us." Bellamy tells him.

"This morning all I could think about was how much easier this would all be if Finn was just...gone."

I take a sideways glance at Raven, silently asking if she wished that of me too.

"You didn't wish this into being, Raven," Octavia says firmly. "Stop torturing yourself."

Raven sighs quietly and mumbles, "yeah but I'm not just torturing me."

I ignore her and carry on stalking forwards, my eyes eagerly searching the darkness ahead of me, looking for some sort of sign.

"Is anyone else hearing this signal?" Monty asks.

"What signal?" I whisper, Octavia shrugs as Raven pulls out our walkie.

"Just keep your eyes open."

"I think it's the same thing we heard in the blackbox."

"Dammit Monty, pay attention," Bellamy snaps. "Do you see anything?" There's a pause. "Report."

By now we've all stopped walking, and up ahead from us a bush rustles despite there not being a breeze.

Octavia and I lift up our guns and a sudden wave of determination washes over me. Finn and Clarke were taken, and now they're trying to get us.

"There's someone in the bushes," Raven whispers into the walkie.

Together the three of us with our guns raised stalk forward, our steps light and careful. I try to even my breathing, pushing away the images of when I last held a gun when my friends were in trouble, the same two who I tried to help last time.

Octavia is the one to rush forward and push aside the branches, revealing a teenage boy wearing black, grunting as he holds his side.

"Myles? Myles what happened?"

"Where are they?" Raven asks just as Bellamy appears, standing beside me as they interrogate Myles. "Clarke and Finn, where are they?"

"G-Grounders...took them," Myles chokes out.

"I knew it," I shake my head and clench my jaw in frustration. "Finn's too clever to get himself lost."

"Take it easy," Bellamy tells Myles. "We have to get him back to camp."

"Bell, what about Clarke and Finn?" Octavia asks. Bellamy looks down at Raven and I but I stare down at the ground.

"It's too late," I whisper, "they're gone."

Raven abruptly stands and takes a few steps back, Bellamy turns to face her.

"Raven...I'm sorry."

I furrow my eyebrows slightly as I look between them. They lock eyes for a moment before Raven looks at me for barely a second before looking away. Bellamy however, avoids looking at me all together.

"We-we need to make a stretcher." I watch as Raven walks away.

"Monty, we're heading home, you copy?" After a moments silence I look over at Bellamy who easily starts to grow agitated and anxious. "Monty, can you hear me?"

By now all three of us look at Bellamy expectantly, waiting for Monty to reply.

"Monty? Monty, where the hell are you? Report. Monty?"

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